Truth Or Dare

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

"I'M SURPRISED that my folks allowed this sleepover to happen." KZ said.

KZ entered the living room with Gwen and Jenny. Jenny was carrying soda cans for the others and Gwen was carrying a bowl of potato chips. On the floor was Hunter, Omar, Jared, and Artie. The seven were having a sleepover at the Walker home, they were all crashing in the living room in their own individual sleeping bags.

Upon sitting down, Jenny sat close to Hunter and handed him a drink. Hunter holds her hand and kisses her on the forehead. Gwen sat next to Artie with a smile on her face, Artie smiles back at her. Jared watches as KZ sits down next to him, the two have just recently fixed their tensed relationship back to the way it use to be, so now the two were as close as they use to be.

"It doesn't surprise me," Artie said, "Your folks were cool to take in us Scott's when our house was destroyed."

Jared nods.

Gwen is handed a can of soda from Jenny, "If we'd stay at my uncle's place, all the boys would have been questioned." She said.

Jenny nods slightly, "I mean, my folks knew Omar as long as Jared and I have so they wouldn't have any problem with Omar staying. Also, they wouldn't have an issue with Jared or Artie since they are family. So, Hunter probably wouldn't have been allowed over." Jenny said.

Hunter shrugs, "I'd rather be here that at my house. My mom would have been too embarrassing. She tends to be up in our business. Asking if we need snacks and even suggesting movies to watch." Hunter said.

Omar took a hand full of chips and ate them, "Doesn't sound that bad." He spoke.

Hunter turns to Omar, "Believe me. My mom wouldn't leave us alone, and then there is Danny. He would spy on us, so any of our secrets he'd find out." Hunter said.

KZ turns to Hunter, "Well good thing we're here." She said.

Jared nods, "I agree. Besides, dad said he didn't want anything crazy going on at the Scott home since it was just rebuilt." Jared said.

Omar smirks, "And I know my dad wouldn't have agreed to girls staying the night. I mean, I know Beth wouldn't mind Jared staying over." He said.

Jared ignored Omar's comment and just took a sip of his soda.

Gwen leans back on her sleeping bag, "So what do we do at sleepovers? I never been to one as a kid."

Jenny nods, "Me either." She said.

KZ shrugs, "Well it all depends. The sleepovers I've been do we played prank calls, stayed up past midnight, watched scary movies, and ate a lot of junk food."

Hunter rolls his eyes, "Let me guess, you were eight." He said.

"I was nine thank you very much." KZ said.

Jared grins, "Well when Brooke would have friends over, they'd watch movies or play games." He said.

"Like what kind of games?" Omar asks.

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