Return Of The Light

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

PLANES LAND in Clover Hill plenty. The airport isn't as popular as the airport nearby at Reefside, but Clover Hill is a common stop for those who plan on going to Norland and or Unity Lakes. There was a plane that landed that November tenth, landing at terminal A. The plane was being unloaded with varies of guest, ranging from young to old. Upon getting off the plane was a women in yellow.

 Twenty-six year old women wearing black sunglasses to cover her light blue eyes. She was wearing a yellow dress top, black skinny jeans, yellow flats, she wore a necklace of a heart around her neck, a few bracelets, and a yellow tiny bow in her blonde hair. She walked over to get her bags and headed to the exit of the airport.

She stood outside the airport and smiled widely, "My new chapter begins here."


THE GANG of rangers were standing by their music room, before class was to start. There was rumors floating around that there was a new teacher coming all the way from England. Most kids were impressed, then you have the kids who just think of the JK Rolling books.

 Magic, so unbelievable and yet there are Power Rangers in the world. The gang were by the door, just like usual. Omar and Jared standing up against the wall, Hunter across from the two while holding hands with Jenny, and KZ stood on the other side of Jared.

"Think our new teacher will be nice?" Jenny asks.

Hunter shrugs, "Are all Brits nice or something?"

KZ rolls her eyes, "Isn't that a stereotype?" She asks.

Hunter grins, "Oh sue me." He merely joked.

Jared looks at the clock, "We ought to get into class." He said.

Omar nods, "Yeah wouldn't want to be late to class we are not even ten feet away from." Omar said.

The class entered the classroom, and filled the last remaining five empty seats in the classroom. There music room was the old health room, so there was some old health posters that were not removed yet.

The old music room was set on fire at the end of last year by the science fair, which was the reason why Clover Hill High is refusing to have a science fair this year. There was some music posters of famous composers on the walls, as well as some music notes on the walls. Though the thing that was missing was their teacher.

"Think our teacher ditched?" Hunter asks as he leaned near Jared.

Jared shrugs his shoulders, "I hope not. I need this credit to graduate." Jared said.

Omar nods, "We all need this credit, dude." Omar said.

Before anything else was said, in came their new teacher followed by their principal. Their principal was an Asian man, in his mid fortys. He wore a nice suit completely perfect, the students would tease their principal calling him Principal OCD. Which he did indeed have. Next to him was their new teacher, she smiled and waved. She was the very same women who just landed off her plane today. And she seemed winded.

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