Power In Clover Hill

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

"ALRIGHT CLASS," Tia started as she turned to fully face her students, "Our first project will be an independent one." She said.

The class groaned a little, and that included both Omar and Hunter. KZ gave Omar a look the same as Jenny to Hunter, Jared formed a smirk seeing the girls give the boys a good glare to get them to knock it off. The class was settling down as Tia began to pass out papers over the project.

"The project is you all making your own music. This can be by simply playing the violin or even singing, heck you can use anything to create music." Tia said.

A hand was raised, "Even a bottle?"

Tia nods, "Yes, Dave. Anything at all. This may come across artist, but that is what music is. A way to express your feelings through sound." Tia said.

Another hand was raised and this time it was KZ, "And when is this project due?"

Tia turns to KZ, "Good question. These projects are due at the end of the week, and you will all show them to everyone in the class." She said.

The class groaned again and during this Jenny lifted her hand up, "And would if we asked someone to help?"

"Like a partner? Well since this is an individual project, you can have one helper if needed but this helper will not be graded on the project they are helping with. So no relaying on help for this, this project is all you." Tia said.

With that the bell rang to dismiss the students. The kids began to pack up and flood out of the classroom, as the rangers were a bit slower to leave the classroom.

"So what are you going to do, Jared?" Omar asks.

Jared shrugs, "I don't know. Maybe just grab my guitar and just play something." He said.

KZ's eyes widen, "You play the guitar?" She asks.

Jared nods.

The teens reached Tia's desk, she turned from the classroom door and then to the five rangers.

"Okay, what's up?" She asks.

Jenny smiles, "We were wondering if you'd want to help us out. Since you are- well a veteran ranger."

Tia shrugs, "I don't know. I have duties to this school, I am a teacher not a ranger." Tia said.

Hunter crossed his arms on his chest, "But you were a ranger."

Tia nods as she stacks her papers, "I was. Once upon a time, when I was your age. Now I have to live my life, this isn't my problem anymore." She said.

Jared had a smug look on his face, "So that one time you fought the lizard beast, that was just a one time thing?"

Tia turns to Jared, "Exactly."

Jared smirks, "I doubt it." He said.

Tia sighs, "Look. I get it, you want advice from someone who has been in your shoes. But in all honestly, I haven't used my morpher since my final battle and I was a junior in high school." Tia said.

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