Another Energy Wave

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott

GWEN ANDERSON stood outside of Clover Hill High. Her nerves getting her to. She adjusted her backpack and headed into the school. She sees the student body doing what they usually do, socialize.

Gwen groaned, she had to make new friends. She walks off into the principal's office, there she was greeted by the secretary named Miss Byle. The secretary handed Gwen her schedule and exhaled. First period, English.

Gwen managed to find her locker but was having issues opening it, "Just my luck." She muttered to herself.

"Need a hand?"

Gwen turned around and saw a slightly familiar face. Her new neighbor, he was the son of the doctor. He gave her a friendly smile and then she welcomed him with a smile as well.

"Uh yeah." Gwen replied with.

She stepped aside and let him mess with her locker, it was indeed stuck. Finally after some effort, he opened the door.

Gwen smiles at him, "Thanks uh-." She didn't know his name.

He smiled softly, "Jared Scott. And you are my new neighbor, right?" He spoke.

Gwen nods, "The name is Gwen Anderson."

Jared nods, "Ah your Pete and Bella's niece." Jared said.

Gwen placed some of her stuff in her locker, "While you're here. Do you know where Mr Nelson's senior English class is?" She asked.

Jared grins, "Know where it is? That's my first class."

Gwen giggles, "Lucky me."

Jared points to the classroom near her locker, "That's his class right there."

Gwen basically hugs her books, "Wanna walk me to class?" Gwen flirted.

Jared innocently nods, "Sure."

Upon the arrivals to the classroom, Gwen is floored by the classroom. She sees Jared leave her to go to his seat. She recognize the teens with him, obviously they are his friends.

Mr Nelson smiles, "Gwen Anderson?"

She nods.

"Welcome to my class, if you'd like you can take a seat behind Omar and Jared." The teacher pointed out.

Gwen nods, "Thank you sir."

Gwen wanders over and sees the other students talking among themselves. She reached the back row where there was a free seat, her seat. Sitting behind a guy she just met and his friend. Omar nudges Jared, the two guys turn to face Gwen.

"Looks like you're stuck behind me in class." Jared said.

Gwen smirks, "I can live with that."

Gwen heard a cough, turning to see a girl who is clearly jealous over what was absolutely none of her business.

"So, Jared. Who is your friend?" She asks.

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