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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott

IN THE Batcave the following day. The teens were in utter silence, and the included the tree adults in the room. Adam, Tia, and Zara were focused on the newly black morpher from Artie. Zara was handed the device and began work on the tech, while both Tia and Adam were discussing what to do with Artie.

The team knew what was going on, it was obvious. KZ glanced at her boyfriend. Jared was not wanting to say a single thing. She wasn't sure whether he was angry or just upset. Either way, the leader wasn't talking. Omar looked at KZ, the two shared looks for a moment. Hunter and Jenny held hands and exchanged looks. Meanwhile, Artie stood a little away. He was very, impatient.

"How long am I gonna wait?" Artie finally broke the silence.

Hunter crossed his arms on his chest, "Whenever they're done."

Artie glanced at the Green Ranger, "So like what? An hour?"

KZ sighs with exhaustion, "We don't know."

Artie rolls his eyes, "And you're suppose to be heroes. You can't even figure out how to fix that stupid thing from shocking me." He spoke.

Jared walked over and got in Artie's face, "Listen here, Arthur. You can whine and complain all you want on how long it's taking, but mind I remind you that Ripto and his army are out for you. So why don't you sit your butt down and shut up, little brother." Jared said.

Everyone exchanged looks at each other. They knew things must be complicated at the Scott home. Jenny sighs and shakes her head, just like her the entire team is exhausted and tired of all of this.

Suddenly they hear, "I've found it."

It was Zara, she pulled out a small little chip thing in the morpher. She literally pulled the device apart to find anything harmful. The team, including Artie walked over.

"What is that?" Omar asks.

Zara grins, "It's RNM, which stands for Remote Neural Monitoring. This is some serious technology." Zara said.

Tia looks puzzled, "I don't understand, Zara." She said.

Adam nods, "I don't think any of us gets it."

Zara turns to stare at them all in front of her, "RNM is technology that is supposed to be used to revolutionize crime detection and investigation. I mean USA has been involved in this as well as the UK, Spain, France, and Germany."

Hunter scratches his head, "So how does Ripto get his hands on it?"

Silence until, "Geena." It was Artie.

"Geena?" "How?" The female rangers asked.

Artie looks at them, "She has been able to walk among us, as human. So she probably stole the tech." He said.

Adam nods, "That is possible."

Tia points out, "But why use it for a Black Ranger? Why not an army of some sort?"

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