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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

THINGS WERE tensed, like really tensed between KZ and Jared. The two haven't talked since she broke up with him, and that was two days ago. Still on Spring Break, the teens had returned from Reefside. Their duties as rangers and also friends were done after the trial regarding the sentence of Corey's and Levi's psycho family. The rangers decided to reclaim some normality and go to Groove Smooth to just hang out like always.

Sitting at their usual booth was the seven of them. On one side was KZ, Jenny, and Hunter and on the other side was Jared, Gwen, and Omar. KZ and Jared didn't make any eye contact, instead they pretended they were okay even though the others knew otherwise. But no one wanted to say anything, after the waitress took their order and left Gwen had to first say.

"So this place is cool." Gwen said.

Jenny nods, "Yeah we come here a lot."

Gwen nods, "I can tell."

Then there was some more silence among them. No one knew what to say.

Finally Hunter had enough of it, "Okay. I know this is going to sound rude, but yeah it sucks that KZ decided to break up with Jared. All I'm asking if it doesn't affect the team?" Hunter spoke.

After Hunter said that, the two recently single teens made eye contact. KZ looks at him and forms a faint smile, whereas Jared just looks away.

Hunter sighs, "Say something."

Jared turns to Hunter, "Our recent change in status isn't going to affect the team. Right?"

KZ nods, "Yeah." KZ kept her eyes on Jared.

Gwen then adds, "So that fight though. How can we know when the next sin attacks?"

Omar shrugs his shoulders, "I guess we'll find out when we find out." He said.

Jared nods, "Since Lust is taken care of that leaves six more."

Hunter nods, "Wrath, Envy, Sloth, Pride, Greed, and Gluttony." Hunter said.

Jenny frowns, "We don't even know what to expect or what they look like. This is going to be hard."

KZ nods, "Yeah, and the first contact with the sin was strange too." KZ kept her gaze away from Jared.

Gwen turns to Jared, "So what is our plan of action?"

Jared sighs, "It's hard to plan against an enemy you know nothing about."


IN THE Batcave Adam and Tia stood behind Zara's computer chair. Zara was typing on her keyboard to reveal something new regarding the rangers' zords.

"So," Zara started, "After the situation with the first encounter with the deadly sins something happened regarding the zord program." Zara said.

Adam leaned on her chair, "What do you mean something happened?"

Zara pressed enter and revealed a screen, "Here and look for yourself."

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