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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

AT CLOVER Hill High, KZ entered in with a tired expression. Her mom had been up all night getting sick, KZ had no idea it got that bad when someone is expecting a baby.

 KZ dragged herself to her locker and opened it. She glanced over down the hall and noticed her boyfriend. He was grabbing his own books, and then glanced up at her direction. She waved with a smile and he did the same. However, KZ's smile faded when Gwen practically jumped over since she did share a locker next to him.

KZ knew she was going to try to be Gwen's friend but it was hard since Gwen was so bubbly and flirty towards her boyfriend. She wanted to say something to the two of them but didn't want to seem jealous, even if she was.

Jenny walks over, "You look exhausted."

KZ yawns, "Yeah mom was up all night."

"So when is the baby due?" Jenny asks.

"November 14th." KZ said.

Jenny smiles, "And on that date you'll become a big sister to a brother or a sister." She said.

KZ shuts her locker, "Yeah."

Jenny's eyes shifted to Jared and Gwen. Jenny wasn't the only one to notice how close Gwen and Jared have been getting lately, it sort of feels out of no where. But unlike KZ, Jenny knows how pure her cousin's heart is.

"Don't fret about them. Seriously, I went over for dinner and all Jared ever talks about is you and his books." Jenny said.

KZ forms a small smile, "He talks about me?"

Jenny nods, "Of course," Jenny began to walk in the direction of Hunter, "We better get going to class."

KZ nods. Jenny walks down the hallway in the direction of her own boyfriend, whereas KZ leaned against her locker looking at her boyfriend and Gwen. Jared shut Gwen's locker and she was giggling, the two were heading in the direction of their classroom. KZ exhaled a deep breathe and started walking, she was shaking her head.

"I wish Jared would flirt with me and give me attention like the way Gwen gives him attention." KZ sighs.

KZ then enters class. A small little pink cloud appears behind KZ, KZ closes the classroom door and the cloud turns into a goat. This goat stood on its back legs and looked rather evil, a smirk on its face made everything just creepy.

"Well, well Pinkie. Be careful what you wish for." The goat said and then turned back into the pink cloud.


IN ENGLISH class, Mr Nelson gave them a free period to work on their own essay over their latest book they had finished up. Jared was reading over Omar's and pointing out mistakes for his friend, Hunter was starting to work on his essay draft, Jenny was checking over KZ's and KZ was checking over Jenny's, and Omar was helping Gwen out.

Jared hands Omar his essay, "Here you go," Jared leans his hand on his head.

Omar saw all of the red checks on his paper, "You are as bad as our teacher. Seriously, did I do anything right?"

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