It's Morphin' Time!

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott

SCHOOL STARTED up like usual. It was a brand new day on Monday. The town of Clover Hill were beginning its annual gossip about what had occurred at Reefside over the weekend. Some good and others not so good. The high school however, seemed a bit off. Which was going to make today rather interesting.

Jared approaches the front door and sigh.

"You okay, bro?" Artie asked.

Jared shakes his head, "I just want to get today done and over with."

The two entered in. And the halls grew silent. Everyone stared. This was what Jared wanted to avoid, the attention. He kept his head down, walking to his locker. While Artie had a big smile on his face like he had just won a battle. But that didn't stop the whispering.

"Did you hear they found those missing kids?"

"Yeah, I heard."

"What were they doing in Reefside anyways?"

Upon arriving to his locker, Jared sees none other than a guy who used to bully Jared on a daily bases walk over with a friendly smile.

"So its true, Scott?" He asks.

Artie nods, "Yeah."

Jared nods too, "Yeah, Craig."

Craig nods and then holds hand our, "I have a cousin who lives in Reefside. And if it were my cousin you'd save, well I'd owe you my life. Instead, I want to apologize for the way I behaved toward you." He said.

Jared saw how much Craig meant that, "Its okay."

Craifg shakes his head, "No its not. I beat you up and made fun of your mom, so I'm sorry." He said.

With that said Craig walked off. The entire school just stood and watched as one of the meanest kids to Jared had apologized to him. Jared saw his friends and girlfriend come over. KZ kissed him on the cheek and Jenny lightly punched her shoulder. Hunter and Omar both held smiles on their faces.

"We better get to English." Omar said.

Artie waves goodbye as he goes off to French class.

"You two are practically heroes." Hunter said.

Jared awkwardly nods, "Yeah I guess." He mutters.

KZ turns to Jared, "You okay about all this attention?"

Jared shrugs, "I'm really happy Corey and Levi are safe and sound, I just didn't expect Coach McKnight and my dad to release our names to the media." Jared said.

Omar glanced over, "Sorry about my dad harassing you and Artie. He wanted to be the first to tell the story."

Jared shakes his head, "No hard feelings."

The five enter the English classroom to find words written on the chalkboard. Words like, destiny and fate. The five seemed a bit confused about it but took their seats just like the rest of the class. The bell rang alerting class to start.

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