My Inner Darkness Part 2

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

"You're a freak!"

"A weirdo!"

"A monster!"

"Wait until he becomes his mom!"

Jared floated in the darkness. He collapsed onto his knees, slowly lowering his hands to the ground of blackness that engulfed him. His right hand remain on the ground, keeping his balance, while the left hand was one his head.

"Stop it," Jared muttered, "Stop it."

"He'll become a freak!"

"A little demon!"

"He's a nothing!"

Jared then lowered his head to the ground, by allowing his right hand to clutch onto his head like his left hand. He was gritting his teeth.

"Please- stop." Jared spoke.


ARTIE WAS pacing back and forth in the Batcave. He was a train wreck after Jared's capture. So many thoughts, so many worries were coming through his mind. What if they turn Jared evil, what if he never sees him again?

KZ looks at Artie, "Artie- please calm down." KZ was standing up now.

Artie turns to KZ, "Calm down? Calm down! My brother was taken!" Artie screamed.

KZ stumbled back, "I- I know." She lowered her head.

Jenny walked over and slapped Artie across the face.

"Knock it off!" Jenny yells.

Artie looked at his cousin, "Jen?"

Jenny sighs, "I am upset too. He is my cousin and he's a part of my family, but-." Jenny shakes her head, "Acting like this, getting angry isn't going to bring him back." Jenny spoke.

Hunter crossed his arms on his chest, "We need to come up with a plan. We need to be able to think of a recuse plan." Hunter said.

Omar nodded and pushed his weight off the wall he was leaning again.

"We could contact Quincy's team and Corey's team, they have experience in this." Omar said.

Artie shakes his head, "That's not who I called." Artie said.

Gwen looks at her boyfriend a bit confused, "Who did you call?"

Stepping down the stairs was none other than Zack Calvin and Zane Daniels.

"Us." Zane spoke.

Coming down the stairs was twenty-six year old Zane Daniels and twenty-one year old Zack Calvin. Zane's black hair was a little longer, in a slightly longer ponytail, and was wearing reading glasses over his green eyes. He was wearing a black and red stripped shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. Zack's light brown hair has been cut to remain to his jawline and he took off sunglasses revealing his green eyes. He was wearing a red hoodie, black jeans, and black sneakers.

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