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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

IT WAS a few days after graduation. The remaining students finished their last day of school, but now were clearing out of the school as quick as possible. They were ready to be free of school and ready for the summer. In his English classroom was none other than Mr Nelson, he was erasing the chalkboard and then gathering this stuff. He then stopped hearing a knock on the door.

"Mr Nelson,"

Mr Nelson looks up, "Oh, Jared. I didn't expect to see you here."

Jared smiles, "Yeah. I wanted to see you before summer break." He said.

Mr Nelson grabbed his bag, "Your speech was wonderful at the ceremony." Mr Nelson said.

Jared watched his former English teacher walk toward him, "Your speech was just as amazing, sir." Jared said.

The two stood at the doorway.

"So," Mr Nelson eyes Jared, "Why did you want to see me?"

Jared looks at Mr Nelson a bit serious, "I never really thanked you for helping Artie get me into my dream college." Jared said.

Mr Nelson shakes his head, "Save it, Jared. I knew you would be a perfect addition to that college. Your grades and your ability in literature was outstanding. I knew you were smart enough, you just needed a push." Mr Nelson said.

Jared grins, "And you pushed me."

The two began to walk down the hallway. The janitors were cleaning up the mess of papers the students had thrown all over the hallway as they sprinted out of the school.

"Yes, I did push you." Mr Nelson said.

Jared placed his hands in his pockets, "I wasn't sure if I was even good enough to go to college. I guess I surprised myself." Jared said.

Mr Nelson turns to Jared, "You always had the ability. You just needed to have confidence in yourself."

"I do now, sir." Jared said.

Mr Nelson nods, "Good." Then he placed a hand on Jared's shoulder, "Now that you're graduated, let me tell you, that you were probably one of my favorite students to teach." He said.

Jared turns to Mr Nelson, "Really?"

Mr Nelson nods, "Your work was more advanced for a high school senior and I just thought you were copying and I couldn't punish you unless I could prove it. But, when we were talking about Of Mice and Men, and what you said when I asked you the question and your answer, I knew, I knew how much you cared about novels and literature."

Jared faintly smiles, "Thank you, sir."

Mr Nelson motions him, "Come on, kid. We better go. I know I don't want to be here any longer than I need to and I bet you have some amazing summer plans."

Jared laughs. Him and Mr Nelson exit the school. One last time for the school year, well one last time for Jared Scott.


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