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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

GWEN CLIMBED down the stairs at her aunt and uncle's home. She reached the downstairs and found her Aunt Bella, the women was reading the newspaper while drinking a hot cup of coffee. As Gwen slowly past the living room to the kitchen, she finds her Uncle Pete. Her uncle was cooking at the oven, he was cooking pancakes. Whereas at the kitchen table was her twins, Landon and Lance. Her brothers noticed their sister standing there.

"Look," Lance started as he perked up from his novel, "She has awoken."

Gwen stuck her tongue out at Lance, "Eat it."

Gwen walked past her brothers and toward the toaster. It was at that second when the toaster popped out two pieces of toast. The girl grabbed the warm bread and walked over to the fridge, one toast in her mouth and the other in her right hand. As Gwen opened the fridge and grabbed the butter and closed it with her butt, she noticed the three men were staring at her. Gwen put the butter down and grabbed a knife.

"What?" Gwen spoke.

Landon smirks, "In a hurry, kid?"

Gwen turns to her brother, "I have a life." She said.

Landon crosses his arms on his chest, "I get that. But squirt, you've been coming home late recently." He said.

After Gwen put the butter back in the fridge and took a bite of her toast she says, "Yeah. I've been hanging with my friends." She said.

Landon sighs, "Has it been reflecting on your grades? Gwen, we can't allow your grades to suffer. I understand the situation hasn't been easy for anyone but you need to focus on your school work and this family." Landon said.

Gwen took another bite and rolled her eyes, "And this is why you're the annoying brother." She said.

Lance smirks, "Ha!"

Landon turns to his brother than to his sister, "I'm serious, Gwen. I think its time you get serious about your future. Mom and dad would want you to." He said.

Gwen frowns, "Mom and dad aren't here anymore." She said.

The room was silent for a moment.

"Gwen," Uncle Pete finally joined in, "I think you should listen to your brother."

Gwen slugs her backpack on her shoulder, "I gotta go. Some of us has places to be." She said and left the house.


GWEN WAS standing by her locker during the time between third and fourth period. She stared at the photo she had hanging up from Stone Canyon. She sighed as she looked at the photo and then slammed the locker loudly, this caused some people to stare at her. Gwen grabbed her backpack from the floor and slugged it on her shoulders. Though, she didn't notice Artie coming over with a concerned look on his face.

"Gwen," Artie placed a hand on her shoulder, "You alright?"

Gwen forced a smile, "I am always fine, Sparky." She grins.

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