How To Get The Girl

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

OMAR, JARED, and Hunter were walking out from the lunch time at school that Thursday, the guys were rambling on about some lecture that Mr. Nelson was preaching about over love. Omar felt a bit left out, since his best friend and Hunter had girlfriends.

Not to mention the fact that he is the only single guy on the team, the whole topic of love made him feel a bit like an outcast. The three made their way to their table, where KZ and Jenny were giggling about some girl chat.

"I cannot believe Maggie did that," KZ said as she took a bite of her french fry.

Jenny nods, "Yeah dumped the water all over him." She said.

The guys stared at the girls a bit lost in their conversation, but quickly the girls sped them up. Apparently this girl named Maggie found out her boyfriend, Todd, was cheating on her with a girl named, Lisa, so Maggie broke up with him and dumped a whole bucket of cold water over his head when he came to her house trying to get back together with her. The girls finished explaining while the guys just sat and ate.

"Some guys, though." KZ said.

Jenny nods, "I'd hate to have to deal with that."

Hunter pokes his fork in the peaches, "So would you think either Jared or I would cheat on your girls?"

That first comment sparked a new topic.

"What do you mean?" KZ asks.

"Yeah, Hunter?" Jenny asks.

Hunter shrugs, "Well you think its so funny what Maggie did to that jerk but you were just saying how you'd hate to deal with that. Do you think you're gonna have to worry about trusting us?" Hunter asks.

Jared kept his head down low. He hated getting involved in drama, mostly because he is still dealing with Artie and didn't want to get in the middle of another issue. Jenny and KZ exchanged looks and Omar just shook his head at Hunter, he place a hand on Hunter's shoulder.

"You've just sunk your ship, bro." Omar said.

"What, girls always assume the guy is gonna cheat on the girl." Hunter said.

Jenny grabs her boyfriend's arm, "Well I know you won't cheat on me and I certainly won't betray your trust." Jenny says with a smile.

Hunter nods, "I know you wouldn't, mouse." He said.

KZ crosses her arms on her chest, "And I know Jared wouldn't do something so low like that, he cares about me and I care about him." KZ said.

Jared looks up and forms a smile, "Yeah." He said.

Omar rolls his eyes, feeling again the fifth wheel and leaves the table to throw his stuff away. When he reached the trash can he bumped into none other than Violet, she was signing ASL to a girl next to her. Violet glanced up and smiled seeing Omar, Omar slightly blushed and smiled back.

"Hi," Violet said.

"Hey," He said.

Violet felt her friend nudge her and sign to her, "Sorry. This is my friend, Carrie. Carrie this is Omar." Violet said and signed to Carrie.

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