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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

AFTER A stressful week of the rangers gaining their new powers, there was also the stress of what had happened recently. The rangers teamed up with a group of rangers from the future and their friends from Reefside. Jared and Corey were captured by the future being of Christopher Askew and he gained new powers. 

Everything had gone at such a fast pace, and now things has finally began to slow down. It has been a couple of days since then and the rangers were spending time at the local park. They were sitting underneath a tree on a picnic table. The group of teens were so exhausted from the last couple of days and knew the group from Reefside must feel the same exhaustion.

"So," KZ finally spoke, "Has anyone heard from Terra?"

Gwen turns to KZ, "I heard she returned to Norland. Apparently one of her brothers is getting married."

Hunter nods, "That sounds more fun than this right now."

There was an awkward silence for a while. Omar, Artie, and Gwen sat on one side whereas Jared, KZ, Jenny, and Hunter say on the other side. Jared was fumbling with his hands and was looking directly at them. 

KZ glanced from the others to her boyfriend, she knew he hadn't said much about his experience from what had happened between him and Corey. Artie mentioned that Jared has been having issues sleeping but decided not to push his brother. KZ wanted Jared to confess to her what is on his mind, but knew if she pushed he'll only pull back.

Finally Jared looks up, "Hey guys."

Omar looks at his friend, "Yeah?" He spoke.

"What happened just before that amber crumbles and Corey and I came out?" Jared asks.

Gwen turns to Jared, "You don't remember?" She asks.

Jared shakes his head, "It's fuzzy." He admitted.

Artie looks at his brother, "We had to purify you and Corey, and in order for us to do that, we had to connect to you through your morphers." Artie said.

"Each one of us had to say something in a loving, encouraging way." Jenny adds.

Hunter looks at Jared, "Including the feelings." He said.

KZ placed her hand on top of Jared's hand, "We put our hands on to your morphers while Corey's teammates put their hands on his morpher." She said.

Omar nods, "Luna and Ester shined their healing purification light on to you and Corey." He said.


The rangers, old and new, were in the mountain base. They had located the captured leaders. Conner looks at them.

"Commence Phase 2", Conner said to them.

Luna nods, "Ok guys, we are going to do the Healing Purification Process." Luna said.

Julianne looks at the veteran rangers, "How are we are suppose to do that?" Julianne asks.

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