True Colors

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scot

KZ WALKED down the stairs of her place to find, surprisingly, her father sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. Usually he'd be at his law firm but he was going to be going up to Stone Canyon and then Reefside to talk to some of his clients.

KZ wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed her dad on the cheek, he looked up at her as he folds the newspaper shut. KZ walks around to face him fully, he then places the newspaper on the coffee table.

"Well good morning, dear." Her father said.

KZ smiles, "Good morning, dad. I was wondering why you were here still, thought you had business do to at the firm." She said.

Richard crossed his leg over his other leg, "I do have business to take care of. You know that, sweetie." Richard said.

KZ awkwardly rubs the back of her neck, "It's just strange seeing you here early."

Richard nods, "And I understand. Your mother and I are planning on having a discussion relating our work patterns and maybe starting to spend more time with you like the old times." Richard said.

KZ nods slowly, "Okay." She reached for her backpack which was by the shoe rack.

"You coming straight home after school?" Richard asks.

KZ shakes her head, "I got karate until after four." She said.

Richard nods as he stands up, "I see. Well we'll talk after four then." He said.

KZ grabs her car keys, "I guess we will." She said and left for school.


JENNY WITH Hunter over to Artie's and KZ's locker. The two have lockers basically side by side. Over by these two lockers were of course KZ and Artie, but also Jared and Omar. When Jenny and Hunter reached their group of friends, Jenny reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone.

"I just got a text from Diana." She said.

Hunter glanced at his girlfriend, "The Yellow Ranger from Reefside?" He asks.

Jenny nods.

"So what's going on?" Omar asks.

"She, Wally, and Levi have passed their test of acceptance." Jenny said.

Jared looks at his cousin, "Seriously?" He asks.

Jenny nods again, "Yeah. They had to face an allusion in Meadowedge." She said.

Artie seemed puzzled, "An allusion?"

Jenny was reading the text message, "Yeah. They even saw a person that affected them greatly. For Wally it was his mom, for Diana it was her sister, and for Levi it was Corey." Jenny says.

Jared rubbed his hand through his hair, "Man that must have been crazy." He said.

Jenny was scrolling through the text message, "Yeah they earned the gift of rhythm and it is a metronome." She then showed her friends the photo.

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