Chapter 36- I Would

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Chapter 36- I Would

I would like to dedicate this chapter to Jayisaddicted thanks so much for the support ^_^ I'm getting from you

I would by Justin Bieber

Cassidy's POV

"H-harry?" My voice cracked at the sight of him. I said breaking the eyes. The sight is so heartbreaking no one could get used to it. I just want to hug him if I could

"I'm sorry if you know.. I unexpectedl..  uhm"

"Its fine" I smile "The others or not yet here so do you mind telling me what happened?" I said and surprisingly he look at me. My heart broke into pieces. I'm still in charge so its better if he would tell me

"Its nothing love" He said trying to chuckle but I know better. I just give him a bored look until he sighed. I raised my left eyebrow

"Its about Kylie isn't it?" His jae tightened. My my my I was right and the poor boy just you know cry in front of me still trying to compose himself.

"Its okay Haz cry if you want don't be embarrassed because of my presence pour it on me" I said softly having the urge to touch him so I hold the edge of the laptop instead

" I love her Cass.. I love her so much. I couldn't live without her. "

"I know Harry we all know"

If I could take away the pain

And put a smile on your face

Baby I would baby I would

If I could make a better way

So you could see a better day

Baby I would, baby I would

" You said that I should go after her and thats  what I did" he started as I took a breath sharply . It pains me to see him like this. So much

"And then when I got to Paris I saw her walking down the street with big books and approach her without second thoughts and then we often see each other.Spending time together when she got free time but then it all went downhill." He said clutching something in his hands. I wounded what is it. I nod telling him to go on.

I want to hug him and never leave his side. Just touching those curls and playing with it while telling him everything would be alright.

I would build a doorway to the sky and hand you the keys yeah

Let you know that youre always welcome do you would never leave  oh

"The downhill part started when she is too busy studying she would lock herself up in her room to memorize those laws or whatsoever that is... I keep up onto her until she couldn't to me and bring back the necklace I gave to her" He said handing the thing to the screen. I gaspsd the necklace we both.

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