Chapter 66- Back To Square One

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Chapter 66- Back To Square One

Cassidy's POV

We are all at the hospital apparently. Just got here after we got to the police station.

"What's with gloomy faces?" Liam laughed as I frown. "Guys I'm alive! Ive just been hit in the arm. Nothing serious" He beamed making weird faces that made me crack a smile.

Its true. Emily... I don't care as long as she would harm no one. Melissa is taking care of it as sign of apology even tough we reassured her its fine but she insist.

Yes. Liam was shot when Emily got shocked and panicked all over leaving him in a hospital bed for 3 consecutive days. I sigh. At least everything would be fine now.

I look at Louis direction and I guess we are also fine now. No more grudges and all of that shits.

He grab my hand tightly and look at me giving a sweet grin that made me smile. I miss this. I cover it all up with revenge. I'm so pathetic.But its all in the past now. I'll do better.

"Guys we understand that you just got back and you missed each other but please leave the details to yourself" Niall said interrupting my thoughts. Louis laugh causing me to feel a little bit embarrassed.

"Hey!" Niall laughed as I throw a pillow at him

"This will be a great start" Zayn muttered but enough for all of us to hear. I nod. Another start with Louis. My third chance to be with him and I'm going to do this right.

"Eh? Enough with sentimental stuffs.For Louis and Cassidy!" Harry yelped with so much enthusiasm.

"Excuse me but we don't have martini glasses bhabe" I said while chuckling but before Harry could reply, Louis pull me closer to him wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Stop calling everyone babe love. I'm your only baby" Louis whispered with a pout that made me smile. Jealous. Adorable.

"Guys. We get it! We get it! Just... just..." Niall was interrupted when Liam patted his head with a grin and we all burst out chuckling. The blonde is red as tomato.

A new chapter of my life and I'm excited and happy to share it all again with them. What good deed have I done to be blessed like this?

"I love you" He whispered at my ear as I laugh hard making me stop for a sec.

"and I love you too" I smile. He return the gesture kissing my nose.


Its been a great day again so far. I'm back at the fast food chain I've been working on with Melissa. Just like the old times. How I miss this.

The doors chimed signalling someone has arrived.

"I'll go" I said as Melissa waved me off.

I walk to the door and smile.

"Good morning sir. Table for 5? This wa- Louis?" I chuckled and he just wink at me as the other boys wave.

It seems like its just the other day when I hate their band and just want to kill their fans in this same place.

I walk them to their table.

"Here's the menu. I'll be back when youre ready to order " I said excusing myself as I walk back to Mel.

"One Direction? Don't hate them anymore?" She teased as I roll my eyes giving her the satisfaction.I told her the story so she wouldn't be out of place but this was the consequence. "Just kidding. Look Louis is glancing this way... AKA your lover in fringe" She giggled

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