Chapter 31- The War

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Chapter 31- The War

Cassidy's POV

"Its on" He whispered huskily. My eyes immediately blink wide open. I thought... I just thought he's going to kiss me... Oh shuttaph brain Shut up. Then image of the kiss keeps replaying. That is my... first... guess its not awkward between the both of us anymore.

I walk to upstairs to my room. Seems like Louis is in his room. Pssshh... I opened my door casually. What on earth would. he do next? Guess its for him to know and for me to find out...I gasp. Oh. my. gosh. He didn't

"But I did" He yelled chuckling evilly I just glare at him. I can't believe he mess my room with carrots. "Bye love" He winked and close the door shot. Oh he'll get it. I'm not the one who let anyone away with this

But for now I need to fix my now carrot filled room. insert sigh their and enter the room. How am I supposed to get him back and clean this mess at the same time?

Then my phone vibrated. Huh? Why would it vibrate I haven't told anyone my number specially the boys... okay only Liam knows. But still I open my phone and saw a twitter notification.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Ha! What a beautiful creation I made for my dear @cassy_ray Enjoy your carrot bedroom darling ;) *picture*

I raised my eyebrow oh wait til I get you back Tommo. You'll regret this war of yours

@cassy_ray Jeez what a mess you made upon my marshmallows no mallow in the world deserves this so here I am giving you a second chance... and bow

I sent with a smirk. This would be a big war I might say but I'll make sure I'll win. I don't like failures and losses. Both #MarshmallowsVs.Carrots #CallowFight is trending made by their fans eventually and my notification is also blowing with good and mostly bad tweets.

@NiallOfficial: @Louis_Tomlinson @cassy_ray Guyz... Seriously even here?

I chuckle oh oh Niall its World War 3

@cassy_ray: @NiallOfficial World War 3 is coming your way

@NiallOfficial: @cassy_ray Just don't burn the house

and within a split second #LouisAndCassidyJustDontBurnTheHouse Jeezz their fans can be so creative

@cassy_ray: @NiallOfficial I can't promise you that

@Real_liam_payne: Guyz you wouldn't destroy the house do you?

I laugh. Well he's right I'm the one who is in charge. I should be the one that is giving orders and disciplining them. Oh well everything changed.

@ Louis_Tomlinson : Don't worry @Real_liam_payne I'll send the ashes to you ;)

@Harry_Styles: Hey! @cassy_ray @Real_ liam_payne @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial: Why did carrots hate marshmallows?

@cassy_ray: Why?

@Harry_Styles: Because you hate carrots and Louis hate mallows. hhhhhaahaah

@cassy_ray: uh... okay?

@zaynmalik: Just don't mind him

@Louis_Tomlinson: Yeah he's always like that

@Real_liam_payne: We will go back there just don't destroy the house @cassy_ray and @Louis_Tomlinson

@Niall_Official: or burn it

@Real_liam_payne: yeah... just like what @NiallOfficial said

@cassy_ray: I don't know @Real_liam_payne he

@Louis_Tomlinson: Nsughty gurl ;p

@Harry_Styles: It hurts guyzz...Luckily,  Our fans appreciate it so... I'm doing a follow spree Yay!

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