Chapter 19- Falling fast and Fearless

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Cassidy's POV

Where am I?is this Narnia?No just kidding.Maybe I'm dreaming.Yep! I am...A beach? What am I doing in a beach?



Who ah oh... someone's calling me ... is that a big tree?



The sound came from the tree... I walk closer and saw a curly boy and a boy in fringe.

is that Louis and Harry?

"Pick me" They both said.


"Your mine..."

My eyes flutter open...AAA... the sun... who open the window?Harry? He's looking at his side talking to someone... I think Niall so I'm facing his back. Why is he here? Does anyone in this house know how to knock? but... I can feel myself smiling... Harry...

I woke up and saw the sun today

You came by without a warning

You put a smile on my face

I want that for every morning

"Oh... hey! Morning!" Harry greeted with a smile. I smile back. I heard my door click.Supposed niall exited. I felt something thingly on me... "Stand up love we are going somewhere" My face heats up while his cupping my cheek

What is it I'm feeling?

Cause I can't let it go

If seeing is believing

Then I already know

Those eyes light up whenever he smile..  He's showing his pearly white teeth and dimples. I groan and roll to my side. Even though he's so hot and charming... I'm too lazy to stand up

I'm falling fast

I hope this last

I'm falling hard for you

I say

Let's take the chance

Take it while we can

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