Chapter 16- Kylie is back

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Chapter 16- Kylie is back

Cassidy's POV

"Hmm..." I shift my position to the bed then my head bump to something hard "Ow..." I groaned. I flutter my eyes rubbing my head and in look at where I bump myself to... My eyes widen then I scream wile scooting away that made me fall at the ground. "Fuck..."

"hmm... Cass? Did you found out that your with a sexy boy already?" I saw him sit up while rubbing his eye with his smirk. "What happened to you? Are you okay?" then he yawn

"I should be asking why are you here?!" I yelled. I know... early in the morning I'm screaming and shouting not good for the neighbors.

"uhm... you want me to stay." He replied sheepily then it hitted me.

Let's go... you don't want to catch a cold do you?

But..  hawww..

See youre already tired let's get you to bed


Be careful love do- phew... your lucky I caught you

thanks Lou

Your always welcome love


Night love... sleep tight




Wait .. what are you doing Cass?

Stay with me. I don't want to be alone. I can't live without you

hahahah.... I can't live without you too bhabe... goodnight

What the f did I did?! I face palm myself repeatedly then I forgot he is still here. Louis chuckled.

"Aww.. love don't be so harsh on yourself" I glare at him and stand up.

As I stand I completely visualize him.

Messy but sexy hair

Pair of blueish green eyes

Pink lips

Did i mention he's shirtless?

Tone chest...

Sick pack abs...

He's wearing jeans

"I see... checking me out aye?" My eyes widen and look back to see a smirking Louis.

"huh? i-i I'm not" I said stuttering looking away from embarrassment. He chuckled.

"Oi! guys! You don't be snogging in there?!" I think that's Liam an to our dearly neighbors... would you fancy a headset?

"Cmon! Kylie is coming!" Harry yelled. His voice filled with excitement and I swear my heart drop. I saw Louis frown

Kylie is coming

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