Chapter 45- Girl in Suit

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Chapter 45- Girl in Suit

Cassidy's POV

Okaay I couldn't sleep really... who could sleep after kissing such a wonderful creation that you just hate but no Cassidy you need to get this things over.

I wasted my month with them but not now. Maybe I should just change my tactics now. Not making him fall inlove with me for it would be too late but maybe just make him feel miserable and maybe continue my first plan in the process. I've been waiting for this in years and now that it come true I shouldn't let it go to waste.

I pick up another book that seems to spark an interest in me in the side table and I just realized there is a piece of paper in the middle of it. I quickly open it and just you know obviously read it.

Scribble scribble scribble

Okay what the heck is that? I stifle a laugh. maybe just a scratch. I shrug and then look at the others swimming again. I chuckle placing my book and joining in

"Look who finally join us" Harry muffled while shaking his hair.

"Shut up Harold!" And he just stick his tounge out.

"Jump for me princess!" I heard Louis yelled and I laugh. He raised his arms wide open.

"Catch me I'm falling!" I sing and jump to his direction a grin crepting to his face and so as mine. I hope that this day just for this day all of that stupid revenge will be forgotten.

"You would" I heard someone whisper

"Always darling" I heard him mumble at my hair as I made contact with the water and also his toned chest embracing me with his muscular arms.

"Awww! Cass! Look what you've done!" Zayn said laughing in the sidelines.

"Heeey! Cassidy is mine!" Niall said snatching me while grabbing my waist. Obviously because Louis used the word 'princess'

"Noooo! You are mistaken! Haz is yours" Louis spoke ever so loudly.

"But I don't wanna get into your Larry Stylinson thingy" Niall reasoned out while I'm getting out of the conversation. ohh

"But I don't like Haz anymore that way" Louis mumble and I swear Zayn and I would burst into fits of laughter if didn't end soon "I loooove Cassidy! She's way more cooler" He said pulling me again to him.

I feel like I'm a barbie doll.

"eyy easy tiger"

"And hotter" He added. I laugh

"Rawr!" Responding to him

"Noooo! H-how could you Boobear?! I thought we have something?!" Harry said dramatically "I can't live without my LouBear!!! You! Its your fault!" He said pointing at me and I chuckle playing along

"Me? Excuse me! Its not my fault that he changed you for someone better" I said with a bitchiest tone I could muster and give him an intimidating look while I put back Louis' arms in my waist making me securely safe.

"Y-you! Argh! I can't do this anymore" Harry said and dramatically falling into the water.

"Noooo! Hazza!" Niall screeched.

Louis pulled me underwater and made me swim following him as he held my hand until he sat down at a rock making the water level go up to my neck while sitting on his lap and I could still see Niall pretending to cry his eyes out. When Zayn jump into the rescue

"Son! What happened?!" Zayn asked taking role

"Cassidy is stolen by Lou and Haz... died" Zayn pull him into a hug

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