Chapter 50- A Song For Ya

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Chapter 50- A Song For Ya

A/N: Beautiful Eyes by Taylor Swift

Louis' POV

I was pedalling again to go back home it is already dark and I could see the stars twinkling so brightly.

I must admit Cassidy is a bit agrressive this day. Not that I'm complaining I love it in a way. My 24 hours with her will come to an end eventually and its quite depressing for me but I hope she will always remember this day or we could make this pretend for real if she wants to.

I look at her sleeping face her arms tangled in my waist.Just ask Cassidy and I would in a blink of an eye without doubdting but Im doubdting she would.

"I love you, you idiot" She mumble I take a glimpse of her. She's sleep talking aye? Maybe I'm winning. Love is more powerful than hatred.

I stop pedalling when we reached home.

"Cass Cassidy bhabe wake up" I said softly shaking her lightly until I see her crystal blue eyes.

"Don't leave me kay?" she murmured

"Yeah of course not" I replied. That's all I need for you to ask love. She then go back to sleep. I smile weakly she did almost the same thing when we came home from the falls I took her.

I shake my head and carry her bridal style and when I kick the door open I saw the lads sitting at the couch that is facing the door

"Where have you been Tomlinson?" Liam started


"Do you know what time is it?" That's Niall crossing his arms and pouting

"What did you do?" Zayn questioned

"Do you make sure you wear condom?" Haz asked that earn glare and a spank from Niall "What? I'm just asking"

"Guys leave the poor boy alone their 24 hours deal is almost done" Dani said. Liam sighed and usher me to go I nod and mumble a thanks to Danielle. I owe her one. I run upstairs to her room.

I then plop her down her soft comfy bed. I pushed the blankets to her when her eyes flutter open.


"Cmon your tired sleep tight princess" I quickly respond with a smile kissing her forehead. Then completely tuck the covers to her.

"hmm? I'll change first yeah?" She whispers rubbing her eyes then sitting up. I just nod in response. She stands up fetching some clothes and goes to the bathroom leaving me here. Just laying down. I close my eyes.

I wish we could stay like this. A sigh escaped my lips. I don't know what to do now after this? Did I over indulge that it would be akward tomorrow? ugh. I haven't think of that.

Your beautiful eyes
Stare right into my eyes
And sometimes
I think of you late at night
I don't know why

I sit up immediately and saw Cass sitting on a chair while strumming her guitar. A smile slowly crept to my face. She's lovely. As she sings her blue eyes shines. I also think of you late at night

I want to be somewhere
Where you are
I want to be where

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