Chapter 51- Its Complicated

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Chapter 51- Its Complicated

A/N: Beware Sudden change of POV

Sudden change of POV

Warning: Sudden change of POV xD

Cassidy's POV

My eyes flutter open. And saw Louis. I would kiss him in the nose when I realized something the deal is over. Then why is he still here? oh. I made him stay *insert face palm*

I've just admit that I've give in again. ugh! I can't... no no no no . I can't it would just repeat everything . I look at his face sleeping peacefully. His hair sticking at every direction as his chest goes up and down. What am I gonna do? I can't be attracted to him? Again?

Continue your plan.

That's right I could continue my oh so evil plan! I carefully wiggle free to his grip on my waist. He let go then turn around a sigh escaped my lips as I continue to get out of bed carefully. I successfully got out of bed and started walking away when I feel him shifted.

"I'm so sorry love. I wouldn't leave you ever again"

I look at him wide eyed. He remembers? I shook my head and sighed.

Louis' POV

I cupp the side next to me just feeling the soft pillow. So she did leave me this time? I yawn shifting my position. I still need to sleep. I haven't get enough cause I'm with an angel so I stared at her the whole night and kiss her forehead or nose once in awhile. Creepy I know but I couldn't help it. The beauty I was holding is the love of my life.

I open my eyes and immediately saw Cassidy's eyes. Why is she standing there? Her hair is still a mess but still beautiful. She is still wearing her night gown. Those blue crystal eyes looking at me with a smile plastered in her face. A gorgeous creature. A grin escaped my lips.

" Good morning love" I mumble stretching and about to sit up when

"Good morning to you too" Cassidy replied "I have a surprise for you" She cooed that made me confuse

"huh? what is it?"

"here" And dump a bucket of ice and cold water on me. I squealed like a teenage girl springing out of the bed. I go straight to the bathroom and go turn the shower on. I stay like that for awhile just letting the water drop to my body

ughh cooold. Thats really surprising. Revenge continues aye? Ill let her see that I really did love her and still do.

Cassidy's POV

"Ice bucket challenge huh? Isn't that held last year?" He said smirking amusement in his eyes. Wait what?! He should be fuming with anger right now

"A-arent you mad?" I questioned hoping he is so I could have a lead and there's a part of me that wish he isn't.

He shake his head and smile at my direction sending me shivers. Then I just watch him dry his hair with my bath towel and O//o He is only in his boxers 0//0 I quickly look away . Is he torturing me or something? No! You are not affected you shouldn't be ! >\\

Louis' POV

I'm now sitting at the table as I wait for Cass. What is she planning now. She's too busy preparing for our breakfast that the lads had asked about what happened.

"She's continuing" I answered

"What? I thought -" Liam cut himself

"Let her be" I smiled

"But Lou"

"I deserve this anyway"

"Heeey breakfast is ready" She chirp And I accept mine with a smile. She plop down her seat as I check on the pancake.

No chilies? I smile and eat. okay its normal. I continue eating while the other lads keep glancing at my direction and I just grin in return

"Delicious" I remarked chewing just to break the silence.

"thanks" I smile sheeply and drink the juice beside me.





I spit it out with all my might and started coughing.

"Lou?! Are you okay?!" I heard rushing footsteps

"W-water" I blurted still coughing.

"Get him some water!"

"Here Lou drink" and I drink it rapidly. Ugh! I'm glad its done

"You okay?" and I nod

"Whats even in here?" Niall asked analyzing the juice.

"I may or may not put some salt in there" She said quite guilty.

Oh boy she's really trying to kill me

Cassidy's POV

Okay that was a bit exaggerated there. I almost killed Louis! eeehhh I didn't meant all of this to happen. I thought as I wash the dishes.

" Cassidy" I heard Niall said and I look at him putting my whole attention to the blonde guy. A frown is plastered to his face

"I thought all of this is done" He said walking forward sitting on a chair. I did too and sit across him.

" I also thought so " I replied not looking at him.

"Look at me Cassidy! Look me in the eye!" He shouted that made me wince and directly look at his oceanic blue eyes. Niall's eyes soften

"Let go of it Cass it could also set you free" He somewhat pleaded

"I'm trying so hard Niall but after what I heard it can't be" I replied my voice cracking a little

"what is it you heard?"

"Its complicated"

Louis' POV

" When will you planning to tell her?" Zayn asked

"I will just let me be the one to answer all of her questions" I said matter of factly

"But Louis! She couldve done worst" Harry reasoned out. I frown. Could she really do that? I mean... she's really guilty awhile ago.

"She wouldn't so that" Liam states as If he read. my mind and I nod. "Niall is talking to her" He informed us

"Just make things work out foe both of you. I don't want to lose two friends in just a day" Harry blurted out with a nod

"I have faith on you Lou and also with Cassidy you could work this out"

Liam's POV

I exited Louis' room and go to the loo and just stare at my reflection with a mirror

What's happening to you Cass?

It was all going so well?

What made it spark again?

I need to know

I sighe in frustration. I would have answers when Niall is finished for now I need to call Danielle.

Niall's POV

"You could make it less complicated Cass" I stated

" And why would I? How could I? He doesn't even seek for forgiveness! Damn! He couldnt even remember me" She ranted clutching her hand. I frown. If she only know everything. If she would know Lou's reason and this wouldn't happen to them.

Lou when would you tell her everything?


E-eh? I think I changed Point of view quite often... Heheh sorry not sorry xD


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