Chapter 53- Cowell Is Back

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A/N: Warning! Sudden change of Point Of Views xp Don't worry it wouldn't be frequent like the last chapter.

Chapter 53- Cowell Is Back

Louis' POV

We are having breakfast when a knock from the door was given to life. I look at all of them. We are not expecting a visitor today.

"I'll get it" Cass said standing up. I pull her and stand up .

"No I'll get it love" I said smiling throwing the door open and expect the unexpected this day. I thought I. was the only one with surprise but I thought wrong... I was the one who is surprised

"Louis what's taking you so lon- Uncle Si?"

Uhhh I hope this day wouldn't be the day I was thinking it would be.

Uncle Si and Cassidy is talking privately. my heart pumping oh no please don't

"So... Cass how are the boys"

"Fine Mr. Cowell. They aren't bad as I thought" She answered with confidence.

"What do you think will happen?" Harry asked quietly

"I think she wouldn't finish this month"

"I don't want thaaat" Niall whines


"We don't want tat either"Zayn stated. Oh no

Cassidy's POV

"Now that I'm here you could leave if you want, or you could still stay. Miss Swift its your decision" Mr. Cowell stated and I nod. We both know the boys are eavesdropping. I look at their direction and glare they run off when they noticed

"I could see you really hold them down" I just nod "I'd be going now. I'll just wait for your answer then. I don't wan to rush things out." He said.

"Okay Sir thanks so much"

"Thanks to you too Cassidy"

"The pleasure is mine"

An with that he is finally off.

"Cass..." Liam started that drawn my attention back to them.

"Are you going to leave us?" Harry asked with a frown.I don't know either if I should.

"Don't leave" Niall pleaded hugging me.I chuckle this boys, unbelievable.

"Oh come on I'll also leave after a month"

"We wouldn't let you either way" Zayn grinned. Tch. I'm happy they appreciated my company

" Wouldn't you miss us if you do?" Louis asked as Niall let go. To think of it I would.

"Ofcourse I would Louis. You five idiots are the best" I smile genuinely. That's sincere with no life up with sarcasm but still the fact that I discovered I still love him is one heck of a pain.

"So you wouldn't leave us then!" Niall cheered.

I wanted to tell Nialler its not final yet cause I'm disoriented. I accepted this job to seek revenge and now that I'm going nowhere and positively failing. I need to put the flag up of surrender. I gave a sigh of relief.

"I-ill just go to my room" I said cracking a little and head upstairs not even waiting for their response.

Louis' POV

We all look at each other. We all know she would leave eventually. I can't handle that. Just thinking about it makes my chest pound.

"She wouldn't leave us?" Niall wants to reassure us but it sounded like he is reassuring himself cause it sounded more of a question. I just sit in despair

I just got her back. Then ive just got my memories back. It can't be. Its unfair. To think of it, 2 months were the given time for her to roam around here and look after us.

"To think of it... We didn't really know her or have any connection on her in the beggining" Zayn stated breaking the silence that made my head pop

"Yeah and we met her because Haz here is so clumsy that bump into her and pour coffee to her shirt" Liam continued with a smile.

"Hey!" Harry protested

"Then he took her home to make it up to her.. but he just let her go after we meet her" Niall chuckles in the memory. Everyone flash a smile when we mesmerized that day.

The day I saw her again, the love of my life, the goddess in my eyes, the apple of my pie . The day I got my second chance and the day I fell inlove but discovered I'm still inlove with her cause we got the past. Fate has given us both chance to continue our fairytale and I'm not letting that chance go. I wouldn't let her slip away this time

Cause I love her with all my heart, with my whole existance. I love Cassidy that I would do anything to grace us with her prescense everyday.

" But you wouldn't meet her if it wasn't for me!" Harry reasoned sticking his tongue out

"But we are practically losing her"
"What shall we do?"

"I think we just have to wait for her desi-" I cut Liam in mid sentence making their gaze looking at me.

"No. As planned I would tell her" I announced. I will tell he the truth.

"But Louis"

"Let me handle this lads she deserves to know just like what you've all said" I said running upstairs leaving them hanging there

Niall's POV

We look at each other after his little speech. When we comprehend everything a smile immediately pop out to my lips and also theirs. He is literally doing it!

"That's the Louis we all know" Harry said proudly while we nod " I raised him well" he added that earn a spank from Zayn. Harry just pouted

"Should we wait here?" Liam questioned looking at us while wiggling his eyebrow"

"Hell no! This is the reuniting of the century we should watch it!" I exclaimed standing up. What? I ship them hard. lol xD

We rush upstairs and tiptoed when we are halfway there.


We saw Louis straightening his shirt and fixing his hair. He is nervous alright. He took a sharp shaky breath and run his fingers through his hair. Me myself is also nervous.

He then found out our presence and look at us. I give him a thumbs up signaling he could do it. He just give us a nod and knock.

"Uhh... Cass can I come in?" He ask over the door.After seconds we heard a fumble sound signaling that he could come in.

One last glimpse. He gave us a faint smile and walk inside. Louis you could do it. After he shut the door, all four of us rush quietly to hear them.

They would survive this. I just wonder if its the right time but one thing is for sure... This talk will obviously change everything or almost everything. I just couldnt say if it would be for the best or make the situation worst.

It would be highly appreciated if the first option is granted. What do you think?


Done :)

Sorry got loads of work at first week of class. Hehe. love you lots :)


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