Chapter 10- First Day

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Chapter 10- First Day

Cassidy's POV

Why is the mattress moving? up and down? hmm... strange

"Wake up!!! Cassidy!!!Woo!!!"

"Louis... stop waking Cassidy. She's really tired from all that unpacking yesterday" I think the voice is from downstairs.

"Hmmpff... party pooper"

"Louis she's so cute"

" I know but I'm cuter"

"Nah... she's cuter"

and I felt someone poke my cheek that made my eyes flutter open and sat up slowly rubbing the corner of my eyes and when my eyes regain its vision.

"What the heck Harry?! and Louis?! Why are you here?!" I said irritated they just smile back at me. You could say that im cranky every morning.

"Someone's in a bad mood" Louis pouted

"aww... love don't be mad" Harry added that made me roll my eyes

"Who the heck wouldn't mind if you're being wake up with two loud boys?!"  I yelled crossing my arms. I may be overreacting but if you would see their faces right now you would definitely do this. They look so cute with pouty faces.

"Our fans?" Louis answered that's why he received a smack on the head from me. Of course.

"We are sorry" they both said and it all hit me. Guilt rushes to my system.

"Sorry i should have known better. You want to do something?" I said smiling weakly and they look at me like I've grown another head.

"Guyzz! Go down already! Niall is now eating!" They look at each other again then at me. It's creepy.

"who oh!" Louis yelled then Harry carried me.

"Put me down Harry!" I demand feeling my cheeks burn. He just laugh in response.

"Here is Mighty Louis Tommo! with his sidekick Harrybear!" Louis yelled can't they talk like normal people would?

"Why am I only your sidekick? and Harrybear?" He said putting me down. He carried me. I felt something but what is it?

"Where's Zayn" I asked bluntly. the last thing I want early in the morning is trouble

"Sleeping" Liam replied

"Still?" I questioned. I need to make this work or Simon would kill me

"yeah" Niall munched and the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it" I said sheepishly standing up and yawning.  As I open the door my eyes widen and he chuckle in response. I never thought Mr. Cowell will chuckle.

"Morning Cassidy.  I see you're still in pajamas" He stated and I open the door wider my jaw hanging open.

"Uhmm... morning Mr. Cowell" I greeted back

"Cass what taking you so... Uncle Si!"

Louis yelled and we walk to the living room.

" Uncle Si? What you doing here?" Liam asked smiling.

"Huh? Uncle Si is here?" Zayn asked rubbing his eyes maybe he just woken up

"Where's Niall and Harry?"

"At the kitchen... arguing" Louis responded

" Uncle Si!" I heard the two boys rummaging making lot of noise. I just face palm and shrug.

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