Chapter 35- Time Alone

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Chapter 35- Time Alone

Cassidy's POV

"Dani!" I called her while me and Perrie walked to the kitchen and as expected the others are gone to prepare everything but little did Perrie know that we also have plans for her.

"Hey!' She replied and i see Niall is also here eating "where are the boys? No wonder its began quiet all of the sudden" Dani remarked and chuckle

" They are going somewhere" Perrie said then looked at me with a smile and i nod in agreement. Dani looked at us with confusion

"And where would that be?" Dani eyebrows furrowed then Niall said a goodbye immediately and walk away "uh.. girls?"

"Cheer up we will just help you get dressed" I said then smile nd before she could ask a question again Perrie answered it like reading her mind

"You and Liam will have a date!" After that we both squeel. 

Natural I know

We are now in Dani's room A.K.A The guest room and we are doing her make up and hair not that she needs that make over. She's gorgeous honestly so she doesn't really need such thing but i don't really know... im confused

Time Skips.....

We finished our makeover and...

"Presto!" I Exclaimed anc spin the chair for her to see hahah just a suspense effect. She smiles when she saw her reflection.

"Thanks girls so much" Dani said whike giggling while me and Perrie high fived. We would head down stairs when I saw the time 30 minutes more. 

I stop in my tracks and look at the both of them aha! Well Perrie and Zayn will also have a date then..

"Perrie why don't we change our clothes first? Since we have you know..." I wink at her saying that we still have time to wait so Perrie nod with agrrement but I want to laugh from here to there for they don't know that we have plans for her too hahaha! I'm a good actress admit it.

Me and Perrie proceed to change clothes. Dani help Perrie and also with her make up they both insisted on mine but I declined politely for today or tonight will be special. I don't know just feel like it

After all the fashion drama we finally organized ourselves.

And at exactly 5 seconds they should be here xD



"Let's go downstairs yeah?" I said and both girls agree



Both sat down st the couch while I  directly go to the dooor


Someone knocks and I open it looking at the blonde guy... Guess who? No other than Niall the plans had been set and its his job to deliver both of the beautiful ladies to their handsome boyfriends.

"Perrie Dani! They are already here!" I called squealing the dashing girls came right up and..

"Goodevening miladies! I would be your trip to your love ones" He said while bowing the two giggled as Niall open the car I just stayed standing near the door frame.

" Hey! Aren't you coming?" Perrie asked and I shook my head no

"B-but" Dani would say something more but I usher them and shoved to the car leaving them with words before I slam the door

"This is your big night! Fill me in everything later" I said with a smile and as the car sped up I just look at them and go back inside.

Those to should enjoy this evening while I have to do my paperwork for work. I know Simon already handle that but its still my job.

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