Chapter 60- Baby Can We Dance?

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Chapter 60- Baby Can We Dance?

Spoiler Alert!!! : This is the chapter where they will see each other again ampf huehuehue. I'm so excited lmao

Louis' POV

I knock at the door and it was opened by Harry

"How was you- Louis! What the fudge happened?!" He shouted  that made the other boys run into me eyeing me up and down with worried expression

"S-she moved on lads" I whimper like I've been hit on the head by something then turns out i cry again. Why do you always makes me cry? "Cass found someone better I guess" I added

"Lou" and with that they hug me tight not considering about them getting wet.

After the hug.

"I think I'll just go back to the way it is" I said start walking to the room and getting a bottle of alcohol. Liam stopped me by pulling away the bottle in my hands.


"Don't do this alone Louis" He replied with a small smile

"Cluuubtiiimmmeeee" Niall chirped just to make the mood brighter.

"And maybe find someone there" Zayn suggested that just made me frown. No one would be better than Cassidy.

"Okay Let's go after I change"


We arrived at the club and everyone is partying sickly. The smell of alcohol and sweat. Don't mention the people grinding with each other Just your good ol' normal club atleast.

Me and Niall sit on a booth while the others dance their hearts out within the sea of people.

"Loosen up a bit Lou" My gaze at the glass table broke as I look at him with a sad smile. "You tried the best you could and if its not really you and her then you could still find someone there" Niall added


"but she will always have a special place in our hearts" He continued. I chuckle a bit, a sincere one.

"What?" He questioned his eyebrows arching upward

"Nothing just sound cheesy is all" He give me a smug smile.

And that is the start of an eventful night with Niall.


"I-I jus- hic wan- t"Just a little bit tipsy is all

"Go get a drink HIC! Fudge my h-head. Rak!"

Three words: Niall is wasted and Liam would kill me.

I don't think that is three words at all ugh. I thought as I stumble at a bar stool that cause a girl in sparkling dress turn her head to me

"uh sorry" The girl stated looking at me

"Sorry to y-you too mi-l-lady " I replied bowing but slipped slightly. She chuckled and help me stand up

"Easy there" and pull me closer to her that I respond with a goofy grin. I couldn't see her face clearly because of the blinding lights and the thing that I'm drunk.

"You look b-beautiful"

"Huh?!" She yelled over the loud music.

I talk a lot of shhh when I'm drinking baby
I'm known to go a little to fast

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