Chapter 11- Car ride

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Chapter 11- Car ride

Louis' POV

It caught me off guard when she chuckled and my face heats up. The lads are killing me... when Cassidy is in the shower I'm talking to myself


Louis do you really like her? I mean you only met her

Do you fancy her? She's beautiful

Do you love her? Well she's amazing

What are you feeling Lou?

Does she like you too? Nah!

Do you want her? Who wouldn't?

To call her yours? Maybe...

Just three words... why can't I just say it to myself?

Louis .... just 3 words...

ugh! This is killing me!

Aww... Loulou fancy Cassidy

He is growing up

Guyz? Did you hear it all?


Yesh! They caught me, really stupid of me. I'm so nervous but when she chuckled it's all begun to be cleared to me.

I like her

I fancy her

I love her

I want her

But she wouldn't feel the same... Too bad Louis... I think she likes someone else.

"Wouldn't we go shopping?" She asked. That sweet voice of hers. Make me fall for her deeper and deeper.

"Louis... Lou... you okay?" Liam shook me.

"huh? What?" He frowned. "I'm sorry let's go!" We jump to the car.  I took the driver's seat cause I'll drive and when I look at my side Cassidy is looking  at me. I look at the boys and I could see they planned this. Typical lads...

"I'm hungry" Niall whined and Cassidy giggled. it's the first time I saw her do that. It's cute though

"I'm starving too" Harry groan and I get a glimpse of Cass while driving she's admiring Harry. Does it meant she like him? This is unfair! Harry always get the girls!

" I'm hungry too Lou... maybe we should go get drive thru yeah?" She stated that cut my thoughts and my lips' smile grew wider then Niall cheered. "Why are you smiling?"

"It's the first time you called me Lou" I said looking at her and her eyes widen then smile

"Isn't that a nice thing?" She said winking at me.

This girl would be surely the death of me. Cmon! Who am I kidding? Who wouldn't like her? But she wouldn't like me unfortunately. Seriously, who would like to date an ugly pathetic boy in a boy band? no one

"Oi! Stop flirting!" Liam yelled getting me back to reality.

" We don't wanna die yet!" Niall continued. Well I don't wanna die yet but Ill die happily if it's for Cassidy. oohhh..  that rhymes like the old times.

We go to McDonald for drive thru and we are ordering.

" Harry what do you want?" She asked and I'm a bit shaken by that.

I just admitted awhile ago that I fancy her  but what am I doing? Nothing and then I realized she like him my best mate. Isn't that cool?

" What about you Cass?" I look at her and she smiled

"Just get me anything!" She said smiling. aww... those smiles I get

"Ummm... sir" The staff asked that break my trance. I totally forgot what the others order so I just stared at her for a while

"uhmm.. 6 of each?"  I said more of a question and I heard gasps.

"You're an angel Louis!!!!" Niall yelled. of course he will be so much happy. I think he would more likely married to a food than a woman that boy eats a lot.

I took all we order and paid. As I'm driving they are all eating. The boys are throwing fries at each other while Cassidy is eating.

"Won't you eat Louis?" She asked noticing that I haven't touched my food yet. I smile she noticed me.

"I'll eat later" I replied glancing at her then looking back at the road.

"But it will be cold and the ice cream will melt and those such thing. You also haven't eaten breakfast yet." She said. Now I'm blushing. I'm sure of that. She's concern of me.

"I'm fine don't worry... just continue eating love" I said and she pouted.



"No!" That made the boys stop

"What will you do?" I said raising an eyebrow and she smile shyly.

"I'll feed you" I stop the car immediately.

" What happened?!"

"Are you trying to kill us?!"

"I almost drop my food!"

"Sorry" and I start the engine again.

She's going to feed me? She must be joking... but still imagine the girl you like feeding you... Stop! She wouldn't do that .

"Louis?" I look at her direction and sure thing a burger is in my face. my face heats up. She's really serious?

"Cmon take a bite" She grinned. I look back at the road and bite at it.

"You know I can just eat with my other hand and other at the stirring wheel

"Oh cmon Louis! Let her feed you" Harry teased and I glare at him through the mirror and zip his mouth in defense.

"Aaaa" She said. Giving me a spoon of ice cream. I'm actually kind of embarrass that she's feeding me but I'm not complaining I like it. As I'm taking it to my mouth it smeared at my cheek.

"Sorry..." Then I felt a tissue at it "Sorry again" I just smiled it off

"No problem thanks anyway" I said sipping my coke  and looking at her and wink.

We arrived at the mall and Niall had finished all the food. I wonder where he put them? We put caps and we take our shades..  just in case I  get out of the car and open the door for her. The lads already got out. The wind go through to my face. This will be an interesting day.



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