Chapter 22- Parteh and Another Broken Heart

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Dedicated to bvbgirl12340 I really like talking to you. Hope you can read this chaptee

Chapter 22- Parteh and Another Broken Heart

Harry's POV

(first time Harry had a POV wooh!!! vote for it lol)

I remembered finishing my plate of Kylie's cooked for us. Itsamazingly delicious I might say... Truly wonderful! Now we are at my room watching a movie with Kylie when she turned it off and sighed.

"Why? Didn't you like the movie?" I asked panicking. I don't really know. I felt nervous. why wouldn't I ? I like her for Pete's sake!

"No... just... I know you like Cassidy" She said from nowhere. Why would she even said that? Is she jealous? So many questions are rushing through my mind.

"W-what are you talking about?" I sit up straight then she stand up. Why?

"You like her do you?" She bit her lips. I frown. Should I tell her. "Answer me Harry"

Cassidy's POV

He handed me a big box. He grin.

"Cmon... open it'l" I look at him and nod opening the big white boz with a pinkish red ribbon. I gasp.

"Louis!" I laughed. "The clothes we shopped is enough" He smiled

"I want you to wear that in Kylie's Party" I smile. Its a sparkling white dress

(A/N: I don't know how to describe the dress... so it the dress Taylor wear in the Victoria Secret fashion show when she performed I Knew You were Trouble)

" But... arghh! thank you Louis!" I exclaimed hugging him. Now I'm having second thoughts if I would continue this revenge of mine...

"Now... Cmon so you could prepare to the party" He winked and we walk to his car.

"Thanks Louis I had fun and all but why didn't w bring back the basket an all such thing" I asked as I slipped inside the car. Before he drive he answered

"Don't worry Cass some on would cherish care and love it" He said dramatically I laughed.

"Your silly" I stated

"You love me for it"" He winked then he drive back to their house.




As I open the door the Liam Niall and Zayn greeted us.

"Hello! Welcome back!" Niall exclaimed. Someone's excited to see us

"Ew... what's that?" Zayn questioned pointing to our clothes. Louis and I laughed

"You don't even wanna know" I chuckled

"Just go take a shower" Liam stated "You both stink" I run upstairs to my room and go straight to the shower.

I strip. I really do stink. I laughed once again. I turn the faucet on. The water dripping to my body. am I doing the right thing? Maybe... I should... this is all wrong... how could I?! He's a sweet guy... everyone makes mistake... Should I consult someone? Later maybe.

I wrap my robe to my bare body and walk to my bed and just plop there. I'm too lazy to get dress... I know right. I took out a box of cinnamon roll and cookies. I just stare at the ceiling and started eating.

I should go straight and talk to someone I trust and keep it a secret... why don't I tell daddy? Maybe.. he's daddy anyway. I chuckled. I love eating while thinking.

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