Chapter 40- The Falls

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Chapter 40- The Falls

Cassidy's POV

I can't believe Niall did that. I was so furious lucky for him I hold out my tounge or else I don't know what words would come out from my mouth Pete's sake.

"Everyone inside?" Louis asked then he looked at me. "Cass come on!" I just nod. I sat beside the drivers sit for I don't want to see Niall's face for awhile.

So that's why the marshmallow packet is on the floor  and all such thing. He seeing all of the things inside the bag... meaning he knew. My my my. what should I do? What if he told Louis? Well Louis should know by now that I'm a past lover so whats the big deal? and the fact that Liam said that the key is forgiveness so I'm trying to even if he doesn't seek for it. Maybe thats the part that pains me he doesn't seek for my forgiveness.

A sigh escaped my lips. I overacted. Oh my, what would Niall think of me now. I need to say sorry. First thing.

"Hey what's wrong love?"  My train of thought have been cut when Louis spoke. I look at him and smile.

"Nothing just wondering where are we heading" I lied.

"Thats a secret." He said giving me a toothy grin. Jeez now I remembered our first date I'm struggling to take a picture of him while driving.

"Is it that far?" I yawned and he nodded

"Yeah so you could take a nap like the others at the back" I take a glance and sure thing Liam , Dani and Harry are sleeping. Zayn I think texting Perrie and Niall... I'm too ashamed to look at him.


"Sleep tight bhabe" I could have argue with the bhabe thing but my eyes just completely shut out to care


"I'm hungry Lou can I get some sandwich from the back?"

"Sure thing Niall"

I shift from my position and  I could feel someone is stroking my hair making more comfortable and sleepy.

"Hmmm... cheeeseee Yum!"

"Niall keep it down everyone I sleeping"

"I'm so- *munch* sorry *munch*" I heard Louis laugh. I stir waking up.

"Hey see you are finally awake sleepy head" Louis greeted eyes on the road. I just stick my tounge out. I sit properly while straightening my wait shirt.

" Pass me two sandwiches Niall" I commanded and he gave me a nod throwing it to my direction. I caught it and gave him a salute. On word awkward.

"Louis want some?" I asked handing the other one to him. He puytdd looking at me and back to the road.

"Thought you are going to feed me again." He smirked and I rolled my eyes playfully

" You wish Tomlinson" I said giving the sandwich to the boy driving which he happily took.

"Delicious!" Louis announced

"Keep it down Boobear" Niall grin which received a glare from Louis with the mirror.I look at the window and saw different kinds of trees. This place looks awfully familiar.

Its good to be out of busy streets of London for awhile and just look at the beautiful creation of mother nature.

"Could I open the window?" I ask

"Yeah sure" And I open mine. Cold breeze immediately slapped my face.My hair flying everywhere.

"Lou open yours too" I giggle and he nod

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