Chapter 37- All For 3

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Chapter 37- All For 3

Louis' POV

I slam the door shut.

"Louis what hap-" I shush Niall to keep him quite. She doesn't even know that we are home yet. We ordered pizza that's why I was going to call her and heard enough.

"Have you told her yet Lou?" I shrug and he wolf whistle. I shushed him again.

"She's talking to someone and.."

"You are eavesdropping?" He smirk. Oh Nialler

"No" He rolled his eyes.

Cassidy's POV

"bye Haz" I said with a smile. He return it with his dimples showing off. I honestly want to poke it.

"Night love" He wink and blew me a kiss. I just giggle and sign out.

My stomach grumbles and form there I know that I need to go back downstairs and fill something inside my tummy.

I stand up and walk to my door. Its still silent and by the looks of it nobody's home yet except for me. Maybe I should just order a box of pizza an just shove it in my face while watching a movie well that's a great idea.

I open the door and I gasp but when I recover I raised my eyebrow and cross my arms while tapping my foot repeatedly, staring at the 2 boys intently.

"I... uhh.. we... are.." Louis is lost for words while Niall is just smiling at me sheeplishly.

"We just wan to know if you want some pizza?" Louis said standing up and straightening his shirt. I smile an nod.

"Great then-" Niall is cut mid sentence when I dash outside to the pizza. Have I mentioned I love pizza? I run to the kitchen and saw box of pizza piled out. Yum! As I am going to bite Niall scream a NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! And its quite amusing actually

"Kay have the first slice whatever" I said playfully rolling my eyes and pick up another one for me.

"So Harry is coming back?" Louis asked all of a sudden and I nod with a hmmm.

"Ohhh! We could have an outing when he came home!" Niall suggested then talking where would we go. Louis and I both agree.



"Amusement Park"

"Nah too many people"


"Crazy fans not that for relaxing"

"Nandos" You can figure Niall suggested this one

"Nope" I quickly reply without doubting

"uhhh why not?" He continue to whine

"Cause I said so"

"We are running out of options" Louis remarked picking up another slice of pizza from the box.

"Forest?" I asked out of the blue and regret saying that. "Uhh nah not for relaxing"

"Uhm. What about something in the forest? I know a good spot in the forest" Louis started and we started banging questions to him

"Would it be safe there?"

"is it relaxing?"

"Yeah just leave it to me" Louis winked

"Is there food?"

"We could have a picnic and yeah" I said and both boys agree.


"Hey! Why don't you come join us?!" Louis yelled from the pool while I'm just sitting there with mixed my mixed peanuts while reading book.

"Im tired Louis" I simply said an go back yo what I was reading when I heard another shout

"Cmon Cass! You can't resist this bodies" Niall said chucklubg while gesturing to his and Louis' topless bodies. I laugh myself but shrug. Niall pouted but it didn't work. Not this time Nialler.

I was reading peacefully when... someone pick up which I assume is Louis.

"Louis! I swear if I get wet because of you.." I threatened but then I realized how dirty it sound. Niall laugh while wolf whistling. I could feel Louis smirking. Jeez I didn't meant it that way

"Really love? What would you do bhabe?"

"I didn't meant it that way Louis! Just put me down!" I demanded

"Easy Love I might slip. Well your wish is my command"

"Goo-" I haven't continue what I have to say for he dropped me to the pool. When I got back to the surface I compose myself.

"Louis! You bastard!" I said swimming across him.

"Niall help!" Louis yelled and I was surprisingly got tackled by the blonde guy.

"Niiiaaaalll" I whined as he wrap my waist with his arms and put his chin on my shoulder.

"Not going to work bhabr" He whispered as Louis swim back to us.

"I hate you right now." I muttered to Niall. He laugh

"But I'm your best friend "

"Noooo" Louis screeched "Shes mine!" He yelled at Niall snatching me.

"Oi! fun without us?" Heard Liam wiggling his eyebrows. Perrie is no where to be seen. Well she's still on tour.

"I figure you are tired from... yah know" I trailed off and with that Dani yawn so we said our good nights to them and we as well get out of the pool.

I saw Liam look at me. A worried one cause I told him but the thing is I haven't told him everything. Sure thing I said it cause maybe its fair enough that he would have known and he is a smartass I meant smartest here and I gave it a shot but still.

"Hey you are shivering love. Cmon change" Niall said and I smile but Louis being the stubborn one.

"but I still wanna swim" He whined and Niall and I just look at each other. Jeez..

"Cmon Louis you'd get sick" I said with my voice loud and clear

"No" He replied and I look at Niall but he just shrug and told me to go one too amused aye? I raised an eyebrow to Louis

" Louis if you wouldn't get out. uhhh... whatever! stay if you want" I turn around and wink to Niall. "Leggo Nialler"

"Wait! wait! Coming" I smiled triumphly

I gave him a towel and ushered them to go back inside.


At my room ready to shower when I heard a knock.

"Come in" And saw Niall. "Oh hey Niall what you doing here?"

"Want to ask if you want to watch movies?"

"Okay just take a shower" I replied and walk to the bathroom and just heard him reply as I shut the door

"Kay I'll wait u here"

Niall' s POV (for the first time in forever)

I heard her humming around the shower and I wonder around her room and saw a red suitcase. I remember its the same suitcase she doesn't want us to touch. Oohh I wonder if I might open it? No Niall its invasion of privacy but unfortunately I didn't listen to my inner voice and just walk near the suitcase.

I stare at it for awhile as I'm going to unzip it the bathroom'sdoor come open.


"let's go?"

"y-yeah" I said stutterring.

I want to know what's inside of  that box jeez. I shoukd really learn how to control myself.


So that happened lol sorry its kind of a filler but hopefully not worst chapter ever

vote comment and enjoy the next chapters


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