Chapter 2- Oh mi gush!

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Chapter 2- Oh mi gush!

Cassidy's POV

As my foot touched the doormat. He knocked. I thought he lived with himself. Guess not! The door open and my eyes widen.

"Hi mate! oooh! What have we have here? A girl!" He said with a smirk. "Guys! Guyzz! Hazza brought a girl in the house!!" He screamed and he laugh.

"Shut up Niall!"

"umm... sorry.." He started Taking off his shades and cap. My eyes got even wider if that's possible. "I'm really Harry Styles.... From one direction" ONE DIRECTION






"Come in!" He insisted and we enter the house to the living room. I saw other four boys staring at me. Liam Payne Niall Horan  Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson. They greet me with greetings.

"Umm... I'm Cassidy Swift" I said. Shoot! Why did I said that?! Then he'll know me!

"Nice Meeting you Cassidy!" Louis yelled. Huh? he didn't recognize me? well_ it's been so long but that's better.

"The pleasure is mine" I replied. luckily I'm a good citizen and let Harry bring me here. It get so much easy.

"So... why did you bring her here? Not like we don't like you here. just wondering" Liam asked. Well he is right. So many girls that wanted to be in my situation and what did made me special to bring me to One Direction's house by Harry Styles.

"You see... I bumped into her and spilled the coffee to her shirt and I like to make it up to her and luckily she is not one of our screaming fans so... Tadaaa!" Harry explained and sway his hands in the air like a child at the end.

"So you know all of us?" Zayn asked. I nod. More than you think, I know you all so much.

"Cassidy right? Nice name! it suits you very well" Niall said that made my cheeks heat up. Hope they didn't saw that one.

"Um.. thanks" I replied then smiled. "am... I really gotta go sorry for disturbing" I quickly said.

"You can come back here love whenever you want" Harry insist being the cheeky one.

"Yeah! Cassidy we can have some fun!" Liam agreed. They don't know what they're getting there selves into.

"And we can get to know each other better" Niall added while laughing. That boy recall laugh so loud.

"What about tomorrow?" Zayn suggested then they all agreed and they all look at me.

"Um.. sure yeah!" I answered.

"So its tomorrow then... I'm excited!" Louis yelled giggling and all. Ha! you'll regret that decision!

"Well, im going kiddoz!" I said then started walking when...

"Wait! I'll drive you home!" Louis insist. What should I do.... maybe I should approve to see if he changed or something....

"Um... sure! Why not?" I said fake chuckling.

"See ya soon lad!"

"Don't seduce her or something Lou" Tst! Like He's so hot and handsome that is not!

"Nothing will happen!" He said then we exited. He guide me to his car. Open the door. I slip to the seat then he sit down the driver's seat. "So... Cassidy right?" he started and I just nod. "Where's your house?" I gave him the directions and it turned silent. I just watch him drive and I notice that it makes him uncomfortable but I don't really care. I examine every detail of his face.

Greenish blue eyes

Pink lips.....

"Um... Cassidy? We are here" He cuts my thoughts and that's when I realized i  was still staring at him.

"oh... yeah! Sorry, thank you for the ride" I hardly said the last part. He open the car's door and help me get out. "Thanks... well goodbye" I said

"Alright! See you tomorrow!" He yelled while swaying his hand. That when it get me


"Bye! See you tomorrow!"

"I love you..."



Aaaa! Shuttaph! That would never happen! I quickly entered my house lock the door and go upstairs to my room. I change my shirt and jump unto my bed

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