Chapter 8- Familiar

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Chapter 8- Familiar

Louis' POV

I really wonder what's inside that suitcase but it's her personal thing...

"Your room is upstairs" I said leading her and when we got there "I'll just go to my room yeah? I'll go back just call me when you need me, my room is just beside yours" I said and she just nod.

"Thank you" I flash her a grin and exited the room. I go inside my messy room.

Something is completely wrong I can feel it. Have we met somewhere? Course we meet a lot of people but something is different... I feel something.. I felt before... Guilt... why am I feeling guilty though?

I take off my shirt and grab a clean one and put it on. Shrug it off Lou.  I then walk to the kitchen to do some sandwich for me and Cassidy.bhmm.. Cassidy.. even her name is familiar. I have done six sandwiches and two cups of tea.

"Hey Lou! Wazzup ?!" Harry greeted sitting on the island

"Nothing" I said smiling

"ohhh... is that for Cassidy?" Zayn asked


"I wish sometimes Lou also do me things like that" Niall joked and Liam laughed

"whatever guyzz"

"He's so whipped!" and with that I go to Cassidy's room shaking my head lightly. Me? Whipped? They gotta be kidding. I just knew the girl. I knock and she opened it. I look straight to her blue eyes.. weird...

"uhmm..  I brought you sandwiches and I just thought we could have some tea" She looks like she's  second thinking about it then nod and open the door wider. I get in.

"Did you like your room for 2 months?" I said to start a conversation she just nod. Why is she so distant? Did I do something wrong? She look around.

"It's great actually, some girls would kill for this room" She smiled. I also roam my eyes around and I saw her red suitcase still not open. "hmmm this sandwich is great" She grinned then cover her mouth . I chuckled

"Well thank you love" I grinned then took a sip of my tea. She looks so nervous fidgeting ever so lightly

"uhm.. mind if I ask?" I started and she looked up

"Not really... what is it?"

"I was just wondering what's..." should I really ask about the suitcase... nah.. it'll be really awkward. She looked at me "What's your whole name again love?" lousy lie but with that she chuckled that made me smile

" Cassidy Swift" She answered.  "I'll start to unpack. The sandwich and tea are delicious thanks" She said standing up

"No problem Cass"


"uhm... I just want you... uh..." I rumbled. what should I say?

"I love it" She smiled. A sigh escaped my lips.

" Uhm... can I help you unpack?" I asked  screaming inside that she would say yes

"that's sweet Louis but I can manage" My smile turns to frown

"please" I pleaded and she chuckled

"alright" and with that I jump to a bag and take away the piece of clothing

"Louis! Stop!" She yelled. I look at her red face and look at what I was holding and sure my face heats up.





















underwear.... lace. ruffles. polkadots. stripes. plain. colored... you name it

I look at the bag.. panties and bra... my eyes widen. What the heck did I do? I look at what I was holding and its a red lace panty.

"Oh my gush" She muttered and run up to me

"I'm sorry " I said ashamed she shot me a warm smile while her cheeks is still red and I repeat the gesture then a loud noise was given to life crashing the atmosphere completely

"What is that?" Cassidy asked I shook my head. We stand up and run downstairs to saw the lads arguing

"Toy Story!"


"Stop...." Cassidy said practically annoyed"You'll watch this" She put the CD to the player while me and the others are waiting then she walked upstairs and when it came

"Seriously?! Cassidy? Barney?!" Zayn yelled. She laugh from upstairs in respond. Harry stand and go upstairs maybe he'll sleep... I feel sleepy too...

"Why does she even have a tape about Barney?" I questioned

"The world will never know" Niall laughed trying to be serious.

Something about Cassidy Swift reminds me of something.... but I don't really know what


Yay! Chapter end guys!

Dumb chapter aye? I figured huhuhu lol


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