Chapter 41- Haunting Memories

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Chapter 41- Haunting Memories

Niall's POV

I scan the place and I was so mesmerized but then Im somewhat familiar in this place but I've never been here before.

Think Niall think...

"We shall settle the camp then" I heard Liam said and we all agree. I was carrying the grill and all that stuff for cooking helping Cassidy carry it

ThenHarry Zayn and Louis are assigned to pock up fallen dried twigs for the fire tonight while Liam and Dani are setting the tents that we would be sleeping tonight.

Cassidy is pulling out something and I helped her pull it out then silence

"Thanks" She said pushing a loose strand of her hair on the back of her head and then silence again.  I just look at the ground

"I'm sorry" We both said that madee look up to her. I didn't get why she's saying sorry. "You first" We said in unison again"

"Go" I muttered

"No you first" She insist so I sighed

"Cass I'm so sorry that I go through your things. I know I invaded your privacy and a total slap on my face I mean punch is really considered." I said so fast that I really need to catch my breath. I'm so nervous. I was ready for the impact when I felt her hands in mine.

"No I'm sorry too I shouldn't have did that. I got so furious that I didn't keep on tract of what am I saying." She said and I smile " We are just quits"


"Please.let's just keep this as a secret between you and me" She pleaded heck I think she would even beg for it. I just nod. We both pick up the charcoals to the grill. When I remember where I saw this place

" you have gone here before all of this huh?" She look abit taken back and nod.

"Yeah Louis took me here one time." And there's silence again.

"Hey! We finished putting up the tents. Me and Dani would b inside!" Liam shouted and I gave him a thumb up signaling that its alright.

"Just don't get laid!" Cassidy yelled with a wink "too early" she whispered and we both highfived

"If you want to ask questions you may" She said that this time made me off guard an I nod

"Why didn't you tell me.. us" I questioned first and she shook her head. Its a another of those long icy silence.

"Just to be professional. I don't want you to have months of drama and it would cause so much trouble and to think of it look at Louis... he doesn't even remember" She said voice cracking at the last part.

"Yeah he seemed like he doesn't know you at all"  She jus nod "You could tell me what happenend" I insist and she sighed sitting at a log and so I did beside her.

Cassidy's POV

I am going to tell Niall. He should know and I actually trust him so why shouldn't I give it a go?

"You could say that I'm not the very funny person you would know and all such thing and Louis being Louis the popular kid just confessed that he likes me and I'm just there not believing a word he spoke and with that he just go pestering me around until you could say the feelings got mutual." I breathed out. Wow never thought I could say that without stuttering

"The story continues and a happy couple that we are and just two silly teens but the thing there he never kiss me and those intimate moments caused I still believe that we are still young and Im so happy that he agreed and respect my decision. We are just so happy in each others company and then a news came slapping it to my face." I squeeze my eyes shut while Niall hold my hand that made my eyes flicker open. He smiles at me saying I shouldn't continue but I have to do I did.
"We are in the park that day thas must have been the best day of my life...1 year anniversary turned into a complete nightmare"

~•^•| Flashback |•^•~

Louis please tell me that's not true

He didn't say a word

Louis please! Tell me not a word of it is true!

I practically yelled at him pleading holding his hand for dear life

L-louis please

He chooses to said nothing and then look at me with strangely cold eyes.

Everything is true

Those three made me knelt down. It made me weak

No no no... Louis I know you are just joking

I laugh awkwardly and he shook his head

No Cassidy Its just a bet my feelings for you is not true

No! Louis! This is just a joke! You love me! You said so yourself pleeease!

I'm full sob right there holding him for dear life

No Cassidy its done the game is over. I didn't love you your just a piece of pawn in my games

And then he left leaving me there crying like an idiot with a broken heart

You said you love me

|•|••| End Flashback |••|•|

"Hey Cassidy its alright shhhh"  He cooed and I sniff full of sobbing right now

"So that's what happened" Niall and I jump a little when I saw Liam and Dani there standing then we do a group hug

"We are so sorry"

"That must really hurt"

We let go of the hug and I just sniffle from time to time while Dani rub my back.

"I cant believe he did that" Niall said clenching his fist but Liam stop him

"He might have a reasonable reason we should ask him" Liam spoke and Nisllshook his head disapprovingly

" He doesn't even remember"

"Dont. No one will ever be talking about this with Louis"

"Talk about what?" I look at him with wide eyes my strength being drained. He puts down the twigs also Zayn and Harry still looking at us waiting for an answer

"Uhh... its a surprise but then you get is it wouldn't be a surprise anymore so nothibg" Liam lied and smile at my direction . I owe you one Lili. Louis luckily let it slip.

"Hey Cass why is your nose red? also your eyes?" Haz asked analyzing my face

"I sneeze continuously and hard" I said. wow lot of lying to do

"Guys! Lets hit the water!" Louis said and all agree. Yeah so I could compose myself and prepare some food to fill in their stomach.



I didn't like tge way it goes ;( hope you enjoyed though

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Jayisaddicted I'm really blessed to have you as a reader and for the record all of your questions will be answered sooner or later


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