Bonus Chaptiee!

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Yay! Bonus Chapter for all of ya! wink wink. Because I love this story and all of you that I can't just leave this cheese!

Please Enjoy

Cassidy's POV

I've just gone home from work. I'm tired as fudge and all I could think about is resting at the bed. I even cancel our movie marathon just to take a deep sleep. They look very disappointed but get on with it eventually. I promised we will go to an amusement park because I really feel bad.

I walk upstairs just dropping my feet to the floor and practically toss myself to my comfy bed and hug my pillow tight. I yawn dramatically eyes closed and shuffle a little bit. I would have gone to sleep when...

"Hi beautiful" A husky voice breathed through my face. My eyes quickly open as I kick the body and stand up.

"The hell?!" I yelled gripping my pillow tight. The stranger groaned and stand up.

"L-louis?" My head tilted to the side. He laugh sitting at my bed as I do too.


"Oh my ghad! Sorry" I beamed when I realized he's in pain. I even kicked him for Pete's sake. He just shrug chuckling.

"Nah. You're too cute when you panick" He cooed I throw the pillow at him but he caught it.

"Stop it Lou"

"Aww babe. Don't be embarrassed" I roll my eyes and lay down.

"I'm sleeping" He frown laying beside me but rest his elbow beside my head as he look at me.

"Sorry Cassidy. Don't be mad at me"

"I'm not mad" I said shifting far away

"You are definitely mad" He keep insisting

"No I'm no-" Was cut off in the middle of my sentence when he pecked the tip of my nose. One of my weakness.

"Louis" I whined burrying my face to his chest as he completely wrap his arms around mine."I'm not mad, really"



"I love you sweet cheeks"

"What's with that endearment?" I chuckle and he just roll his eyes. The sass is back.

"I like it so just say I love you too and kiss me" He demanded that made me laugh

"I love you too Loooouuuuiiiiieeeee" And peck his lips "There. happy?"

"Yes. Now go to sleep I know you're tired" He stated kissing my forehead as I get comfy.


Done kiddoz. Hope you liked it

5.08 K. Insane! Thanks for all of you ! :)

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