Chapter 59- It Cant Be

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Chapter 59- It Can't Be

A/N: Can't think of a possible good name so here goes nothing. lolz

~After the car incident~
Cassidy's POV

I almost got myself killed again . Shame. Good thing he is here or else I would be dead meat. I look at him for awhile.

He is handsome alright with those dirty blonde hair. He got those firm muscles and all such thing, the most of it is his funny personality but despite of that I couldn't fall for him because... T.T







He is...

"Oh my ghad!!!! Gurl have you heard his voice?! Its freakin hot! Those eyes!" Yep! He is gay and he wont stop blabbering about the guy who almost ran over to me. I have a feeling that was Louis and I hate it. I shouldn't have been feeling this way. It has been two weeks and so. That's why I believe I should completely go on with my life even tough I'm not really through it all.

I sighed while sipping my cup of coffee as I stare at him.. err... her I guess.

"Uhm Roberto I think you should cut it off or I'll slit your throat for real" I said with a serious look

"Eh? Ewww! Don't call me by that name." He retarded while I raised my right eyebrow.

"Alright fine just stop whining" I said rubbing the back of my neck. Jeez this guy and his high pitched voice that could scratch my mug.

"What shall we do now?Where do you wanna go?" He suddenly spoke as he lean his back on the table. To think of it we dont have work today so going somewhere isn't a really bad idea.

"Anywhere would do"  I replied

" Ugh. I should have known" He stated as I throw a confused look at him. He shrug and pick up his spoon

"What about a club?" He suggested and my eyebrows twitched


"It looks like you don't like the idea" He said smirking. Not now little blonde. I'm not in the mood to amuse you.

"Is there something I dont know?"

Yes and infact you don't know what happened to me before you even met me so please shut the fudgw up before I stab you with a spoon.

Okay that one is pretty exaggerating. Like yeah.

"No its just that" I cut myself in mid sentence

"That?" He ushered for me to go on.

"What the heck would we even do there?"

"Find a hottie!"  He giggled. I want to vomit mentally. The only hot guy in my eyes is Louis William Tomlinson

Quite embarrassing and cheesy it might be but I must admit that is would be true.

"Cmon! And if you would be lucky enough tonight you might get laid!" He screeched in that high pitch tone again that made me flinch and look at him wide eyed

"Excuse me?" I replied. I'm not that kind of girl to give it to some arse stranger like dude I'm a decent person who tries to live a decent life. He chuckled in response as if he read my mind.

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