Chapter 48- Louis' Moves Like Jagger

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Chapter 48- Louis' Moves Like Jagger

A/N: Well I got this chapter's name from Maroon 5' s song eheheh Moves Like Jagger but it has no connection with the chapter yeah just saying. sorry eheheh xD

Louis' POV

I woke up from the sheets moving my eyes shut wide open and everything is flashing back. I saw Cassidy getting out of bed carefully. I pulled her back to bed quickly than I thought.

"oh hey morning " She greeted as I wrapped my arms around her small waist. "What are you doing?"

"hmm? Just cuddle with me babe" I replied burying my face to her neck she chuckles maybe she realized now what I'm talking about. It's really surprising cause we both know she would be screaming if she would woke up like we did but guess not. After all she needs to play along cause she lost

She turned facing me. I  turn her head upwards making her look at me  by holding her chin letting go of my grasp on her waist. I'm now staring at her crystal blue eyes. So blue I just want to sink in so deep.

"Morning babe" She smiled and I just look at her still comprehending what I'm looking at. Being called babe by her is so delightful. She then look at me  bluntly"I'm trying very hard Tomlinson so please play along for the sake of your deal"then give me a sweet smile. I stifle a laugh and nod then kiss her forehead.

"Aww good morning to you too baby but we really need to get up" I  said kissing her nose. My heart just beats faster than I thought just like always. Just like the old times when it's just me and her in our own fairytale

"but I don't want to " She whined burying her face this time in my neck. It caught me off guard but relaxed seconds later. I could feel her soft breathing through my neck and her soft hands caressing mine

"You're still stubborn lovely" I commented with a smile that made her face heat up but cutely tries to cover up


"But Louis" Cass pout and I just pinch the bridge of her nose while mumbling a cute. She just stick her tongue out in return.

"Cmon girlfriend time for breakfast" I said sweetly and She smile.

"But I could be full with just this" Cassidy said brushing my lips with her slender fingertips and it turned out seductively but I think she didn't meant it that way cause at the same time she blushes. I could see the pink coating on her cheeks.

"Naughty Cass" I commented smirking and get near in her ear then whispers

"But if you would really want to indulge save it for dessert yeah?" I heard her sudden gasp and I could feel her  eyes got wide as I gave her a wink. A nod is all I receive from a now red face girl


"Finally! Louis got u-" I heard Harry's voice until all the noise died down when they look at us specially on me and Cass' intertwined hands.

"What the fudge happened?!"

"Oh my ghad! I knew it!"


"Uh guys its not what you think it is its just a deal" I look at her and she smile

"a deal?" Liam questioned and we both nod. I'm getting nervous like I'm suppose to meet her parents

"We played chess last night and had a deal" She  explained and would explain more when Zayn interrupt with a snicker and 'we now understand' my heart sink a bit about that. I know its just play and all but still....


After the interview. My lovely girlfriend is preparing a breakfast for me.Oh wait I forgot... My lovely girlfriend FOR TODAY is preparing a breakfast for me. Why am I always forgetting it?! ugh this is the way its supposed to be but it can't be helped  I'll have it just for this day though.

But I still can't get over of what she did in my bedroom awhile ago it kept me off guard that she would agree and play along. I really do miss her being mine.

"Babe all done" She chirped placing sandwiches and orange juice on the table. I analyze the bread because the last time she puts chilly on it. ugh the feeling that you just want to die. Okay it's safe

" What's the matter?"

"Nothing. Thank you so much" I said kissing her nose

"Wrong spot" She pouted and Peck my lips. My eyes widen as she sit on the chair opposite to me.

It's all clear to me now... She wanted this pretend to be real for just a day. I could easily do that. Cause I love you so much.

"Cass cmon sit on my lap" I insist and pull her against me. She look at the others for response

"Cmon Cassidy we don't mind" Harry said while grinning so now she is in my lap while my arm is wrap around her small frame

"Louis!" She giggled as I once again stole another kiss from her cheek. I swear I'm addicted.

"Just one more love" and kiss her.

"Sweet of you babe but I guess you need to eat more" As she put a whole sandwich in my mouth

"On second thoughts I shouldn't have agreed" Harry announced

"It's your fault Styles now I'm scarred for life" Niall frown. Me and Cassidy just look at each other and laugh.

I really miss this . I should have been experiencing this kind of happiness my whole life if I have done something better


We all finished eating and Cass is cleaning the table.

"Cass" I called out.

"Later Louis I'm doing something"

"Pleeease babe" I said wrapping my arms around her waist pouting I'm her handsome boyfriend for a day what da ya expect? I need attention

" Not now Louis can't you see I'm doing something"

" But what about me? I'm being undone" I reasoned out. She stopped and so do I. okay that must have sound dirty.  I let go of her waist and then she put the soiled dishes to the sink and start washing them

"Cassidy come on" I pleaded wrapping my arms around her waist.

"After I finish "

"But I would have to wait until 10 years" i pouted burying my face to her neck. She kinda jump at the contact that made me grin

"Louis stop exaggerating and it would make my work faster and easier if you weren't there hugging me from behind" She explained that made me laugh.

"But you love it " I whispered and she's out of it.

"ugh guyz even when doing chores?" I heard Niall. I just stick my tongue out then he left

"So are you up for a dinner tonight?" I asked and she shook her head that made me frown "What? Why?"

"Cause I have to clean the van"

"We could just send it to a car wash" I quickly reply. She disapprovingly shook her head.

"Naah we would have to go outside and it's dangerous"

"What about do it tomorrow?"

"I got something to do tomorrow"

"Then let the boys clean it"

"We don't want to!" I heard all of them say it in unison. Ugh. This is so frustrating. why is she being difficult? I think another excuse when an I idea crept to my mind

"What about I'll help you?" I suggest and a smile appeared to her face. From her reaction I finally know what she would reply. "But we'll ride a bike afterwards yeah?"


That's part 1 for ya eheheh

Okay the story has gone longer so expect it to be more than 50 yeah?

Sumimasen Sayonara minaii



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