Chapter 12- Shopping with 1D part 1

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Chapter 12- Shopping with 1D part 1

Louis' POV

We got inside... the security checks us then I stop to wait at them.

"Let's go separate yeah?" Liam said and we all nod in agreement. "The fans will notice if we shop together. Let's see each other at Nandos this afternoon." Liam explained."Let's go... Zayn and Niall you'll be coming with me."

"See you Cassidy! Don't let them fool you" Niall hugged Cass dramatically. I chuckled we wouldn't do anything specially me.

"Don't try anything guys or I'll kill you" Zayn threatened trying not to laugh and I gulped playing along.

"pshhh... I can handle myself" She said shrugging "Now... go!" She said pushing them.

"So eager to be with me love?" Harry smirked and Cassidy looked down and I can see her cheeks turn rosy pink.

It kinda hurts you know... seeing the love of your life that you only met and your best mate having chemistry.

She then laugh "You wish Haz..." I snap back to reality then she come closer to me and wrap her arms around mine. "I'm looking forward spending some quality time with Lou" She winked at me. I know she's just joking but still it made my heart race.

Harry fake cries and touch his chest. "It hurts Cassidy... I thought we have something special" Then she let go of me. I want to pull her and make her stay but I can't... I need to be a pathetic boy hat stand there like a statue.

"You know... It's weird cause the last time I was here... we are mob by your fans" She said looking at both of us grinning. She shrugs. "So... what are we gonna do today?"

"What about let's go to the candy shop?" I asked and look at them.

"That's great!" Harry exclaimed while clapping excitedly. I nod then I noticed Cassidy she's just standing with a straight face and eyes widen.

Harry noticed it too cause he stopped clapping excitedly. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? I hope she doesn't hate me now.

"Cassidy... is everything okay?" Harry approached her and it's like she got back to earth.

"Uhm... sorry... I just remembered something" She said smiling again. "Let's go yeah?" We nodded and headed to the Candy Store.

Why did react like that? Is there something wrong about the candy store? hmmm... Then we reached the store and we got in and Cassidy stop in her tracks that made us also stop. She have a really nervous expression. Fear is written all over her face.

"Are you sure you're okay? let's go to other stores if you like" I said approaching off then she shrugs.

"No... I'm fine" She answered smiling again. I look at Harry and he raise his eyebrow not really convinced. "guys... nothing to worry about I'm fine!" She added walking in then I follow her.

Something is wrong about her but... what is it? Should I ask her? or should I stay quiet? She wouldn't even tell us. it would just make everything awkward but still...


thanks a lot! :)

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