Chapter 49- Cassidy's Moves Like Jagger

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Chapter 49- Cassidy's Moves Like Jagger

Cassidy' s POV

"Okay then" I chirped. Did this all whole pretending thing awakened my past feelings? What the? It can't be. I would just end up re-doing my mistakes if that happened.

We walk in to the living room and saw the others sitting comfy at the couch while watching a movie.

"Where are you heading?" Liam asked while Dani is in his strong loving arms. I could see the LOVE. okay that's weird totally weird.I shouldn't be saying things like that nope! Never again.

"Oh! Yah we are going to clean the van" I replied with a smile

"Seriously?" Zayn questions with a yawn. He must still be tired from the trip. I just replied with a nod. Our conversation was cut off when Louis barge in with a grin

"All ready sweetheart!" He sang and I smile.

"oooh! Can I join too?!" My innocent leprechaun asked with a grin playing on his lips. I was about to say yes when Harry pulled him

"Nahhh Cass go to your boyfriend and do some smudging stuff. I don't want Nialler there and scar him. He might not have a girlfriend" Harry exclaimed ushering me to go and I nod. Niall was about to protest though but Louis already pulled me heading to the garage.

"So let's start?!" I said with a cheery tone he just grin. I'm about to get the sponge when he stopped me "What now?"

"Turn around love" He commanded while doing hand gestures so I did but still confused. What is he planning to now?

Then I just felt my hair being lightly pulled. Is he tying it? I could feel my blood rising up. Oh no no no don't fall for his tricks. Remember this is just for the sake of revenge just to break his heart into pieces then step in to it more and make him realize that he shouldn't had mess with me.

"You should be tying your hair when doing things like this you might destroy your perfect blonde locks" He said finishing tying my hair and kiss my forehead

"Thanks babe love you" I replied kissing him in the cheek making his cheek have that tint of pink. Adorably cute. I chuckle

"uh eh.. no prob love ya too babe" He replies while grinning with a thumbs up. I stopped chuckling. He said it back


Yes this is just pretend. This is not true and definitely never will be. Get your gear up Cassidy and show him how you play this game he started.

"I-uh let's start" I covered up with a smile and he replied with a nod.

at first the cleaning went smoothly just silent no talking just cleaning. I am already scrubbing its mirror and almost done when

"Louis babe" I called out looking around when I saw his head poke from nowhere

"Yes love?" He replied I chuckle a bit. Who wouldn't? 

I mean His blueish green eyes are shining and now is completely round and then his perfect pinkish lips pouting and hair sticking messily but still adorable. To add it all up he got a foamy bubble in his nose. Wait did I just check him out?

After that I wonder what is this getting me to. I never thought of it. I'm not falling back. Everything that falls gets broken. My train of thoughts were cut off when I saw Louis walking to my direction

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