Chapter 26- Flight to Paris

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Chapter 26- Flight to Paris

Cassidy's POV

What the fudge did I did?! I forsaking kiss Louis!!! Girls will start fangirling in my place but me... I want to die in a freaking hole! Why did I kiss him?! And he kissed back! And our kiss become heated! Aahhh!!! Where's the moment distractions when you need them!?

"uh..." I break the ice "That was great?" Oh my gush! What did I say?! I look at him to see his reaction. My eyes wide.

"Psshh" He chuckled I sighed "I'll also admit its... uh..."

"Sweet!" We both said and chuckle and then we both get quite again. Really awkward I might say.

"Hey! Louis! Howdy! Cassidy!" He greeted "err..  you're having a starring contest?" He asked wiggling his eyebrow. I just chuckle and walk over to him. Great timing leprechaun! I parted his shoulders

" I'll make something for you Kay?" His grin got wider if its possible and nod eagerly "Now... Get out!" I instructed the both boys. I sighed in relief. What an awkward moment that is. I don't want to encounter that again  but..  that kiss... 

I place my finger to my lips. I never thought I would miss those in mine

Ha! You're just a bet!

Yeah! Louis wouldn't love a girl like you!

What were you thinking bitch?!

Tears streamed down my face..  Anger took over me once again. No no..  I promised Liam not to continue this effing revenge! He changed I know. Shake the thought to my head. Its a good thing he doesn't know me yet. He doesn't remember our past.

Louis' POV

"Mate what's with the smiling?" I shrug.

"Yeah! Its creepy" Niall agreed to Zayn. I just sit at a couch.

"How was Harry?" I asked changing the subject they all shake their heads

"The same" Liam replied. I nod poor Harry he's devastated but still... "Don't change the subject Tommo!"

"pssh shut it!" I exclaimed chuckling lightly.

B-but that kiss... Is that mean she forgives me? I'm forgiven?

"Wow!" I snapped back to the world when Cassidy came. I'm just focusing on her. She have a big bowl of banana split and four little ones.

"Yippie!!!" Niall. exclaimed jumping in the couch

"Aww! Cut it off! My hair!" Zayn whined. Fixing his hair

"Thank you Cass" Liam state and Cassidy replied with a heart warming smile.

" How come I get the little ones?!" I complained looking over to Niall "And he got the bigger?" Niall stick his tounge out

"Well Niall is adorable and if you want more... do it yourself" Then giggle walking up stares. That girl is really something.

~Next Day~

Today's the day Kylie is going back to France. I put a pair of jeans a white greyish crop top polo like shirt then my black blazer and also a blue hat with goldish engravings on it. I go to my full length mirror.

I look cool! Break it down yow! ha! Take that men!psshh! That make over is not yet over! To the makeup room! Whoopsy! I don't have a make up room... oh well... Gush! My craziness wants to get out!!! No... I need to keep up the shell

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