Chapter 5- Meeting the Terror?

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Chapter 5- Meeting The Terror

Cassidy's POV

"Should we wake her up?"

"Yeah... Uncle Si wants to meet her."

"But she looks cute and peaceful"

"Yeah! Louis is right"

My eyes flicker open and sit up quickly hearing his name. "Where is he?!" They just give me confused looks then that's when I realized...

"Sorry we woke you up love but who is he?" Niall first asked. Cmon... you can just make some reasons

" Sorry its just a nightmare I think" I reasoned and they dont seem convinced at all. "I'm fine" I added

"Um..Cassidy..We are here" Liam informed me while Harry helped me stand up but....


"WHERE?! OMG!!!" Give me a break! and then more girls came

"Let's go!" We quickly run inside the building. The guards take control of them and give us a thumbs up. Alright! They can handle them.. and a black lace bra fly from nowhere.

"Um... what will you do with that?"

"Lets wear it!" Harry suggested.

"Yeah!" Louis agreed then they highfived.

"Louis Harry..." Liam said

"I think you shouldn't wear that. look there's a nutella inside." Zayn state kinda disgust. Well who wouldn't?

"What? Now girls wear their bra with nutella?!" Louis yelled. Not all girls!

"Well fashioned trend is crazy nowadays" Harry commented. What? I don't really understand this boys.

"But why?" Niall asked being so innocent its cute though.

" Maybe to make their breast look bigger" Louis answered. That's ridiculous.

"Isn't that gross?" Zayn commented

"So... are you saying that Cassidy wears a bra with nutella?" Harry asked they all look at me and that's when my cheeks heat up and hug my chest tightly to cover what the heck they're looking at.

"Perv!" I exclaimed. This is utterly embarrassing and why do they think  I wear bra with nutella?

"Sorry love we don't mean to embarrass you or something" Liam apologized.

"I don't want to interrupt your conversation about the..."

"Nutella bra!"  Louis yelled

" Yeah.Well,Simon is waiting for all of you."

"Um." I mutter

"Oh sorry. I'm Paul, their bodyguard."

"Hi Paul. I'm Cassidy Swift"

"Nice meeting you Cassidy hope the boys didn't give you hard a time" He said. If you only know. We go to a elevator. Its silent for awhile... Then the door opened. I sighed. I bumped into Harry Styles and spilled his coffee... Louis Tomlinson bring me home then came back because of my phone, we went to the mall, there's a riot, then I should meet Simon Cowell.What the heck is happening?! Even though I've been in this mess... I still don't have a single idea how to get what I want.


"You okay?" Harry asked then smile at me showing his dimples. I just nod.

"Uncle Si isn't that bad, right guys?" Liam started the conversation while we started walking. No one respond.

"Maybe a little" Liam answered his question and I feel so much nervous.

"Don't worry love we are here and the fact that your now part of the One Direction family!" Niall exclaimed. What? Family? You don't know what will happen.

"Family?" I questioned.

"Yeah! It means we are like family now.. Even though we just met" Zayn answered my ridiculous question.

"So.. don't be bothered. I'm sure Uncle Si will like you too" Louis added. They're trying to cheer me up and even how much i denied it, it's working. We enter a room and I'm sure enough that this is it... There is no turning back. As we entered... I saw.... The one and only Simon Cowell

"Good afternoon boys.... And Ms. Cassidy Swift." He greeted starting the conversation. I can feel my legs shake.

"Hi Uncle SI! The boys said in unison.

"um... good afternoon sir. No need to be formal... You can call me Cassidy" I said nervously. He motion to us to sit and  we sat down.

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