Chapter 18- Truth or Dare

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Chapter 18- Truth or Dare

Louis' POV

As I put down Cassidy... I wish I didn't... I sit beside her.

"Truth or dare!" I exclaimed.

"I'm gonna go fetch a bottle!" Liam announced.

I'm just staring at Cassidy. She looks so sad... I trace to where she is looking and then it all came to me.

Harry and Kylie

Just what I thought... She have feelings for best mate but.. Harry likes Kylie...

"I'm back!"

"Game!" and that's when I realized they're starting the game.

"Louis truth or dare?" Kylie asked. W-what? its Kylie so... if I choose truth shell ask if I have feelings for Cassidy

"Dare" I said confidently and she smirked.. who am I kidding everything is dangerous when it comes to Kylie


"W-what?" I stutter. I look at Cassidy she's cheek is crimson red. She's biting her bottom lip while looking at the floor

"Do I need to say  it again Tommo?" Kylie smirked the boys snickered

" ha! No need! Its a piece of cake!" I remarked taking off my shirt

"Really?" Kylie asked raising her eyebrow.

"Can he at least wear his boxer or something... I don't want to be scared for life" Cassidy state

"Sure.. I don't want to be also"  Zayn agreed and also the others. I unbuckle my belt and throw it somewhere.

"Cmon... faster Lou! Or you want someone to help you?" Harry mocked my eyes widen and completely slid off my jeans

"Oh!Look Louis have abs! ohhh!" Niall scream with a girly tone. Liam chuckled and I roll my eyes.

"Now... time for vengeance" I smirk and spin the bottle

Cassidy's POV

Why can't I look up? Is it Louis? cause his half naked? I took a glance at everyone and Kylie give me a wink.

"You okay?" Liam asked I nod and smile.

"Yay! Kylie! Truth or Dare?!" Louis cheered that made me look up.

"Sorry to offend you Louis but you can't ask the person that just had asked you" Liam stated Louis cross his arms and pout.

"No fair"

"Yes fair sassypants.. now spin!" Kylie said and so he did and it pointed to Liam.

"Truth or Dare Liam?" Louis smirked. Liam hesitated for awhile and I study Louis... Now I'm creep out of myself. Stop it Cassidy..


"uhm.... who... hmmm... who is sexier Me or Cassidy?" Louis asked and he pull me closer to him. His hand on my waist. I'm frozen like that cause I'm too shock to move. I look at him and he's grinning.

My skin is brushing to his. I look at his lips. I miss those in mine... I miss his touch.. I never thought I miss him that much

"Cassidy!" Liam answered and there's ooohhhh all over the room

"But Lili... look at this body... look!" He said gesturing to his 'perfect  sexy and mascular body' I roll my eyes "You haven't even saw her naked or half naked!" Louis argue. I facepalm myself

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