Chapter 34- Bipolar 101

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Chapter 34- Bipolar 101

Cassidy's POV

"Here will be your new room Dani! Night!" I said leading her to the guest room

"Thanks Goodnight Cass" She said with a smile. I smile back then walk towards my room.

I close my eyes and yawn as I open the door and  get inside when...

"Oh Cass finally your here" Is that Liam? I stopped yawning and open my eyes

"You should really wanna close that love" Louis said smirking I did and look at them. What are they doing here?

"Uh... Liam needs help" Niall broke the silence. I nod and plop to the bed beside him.

"Depends" I replied cheaply

"So I want to surprise Dani... We are going out tomorrow.. I already have a plan." I cut him mid sentence. Everyone's attention is on me

"And what's my role here if its all set?" I asked and Zayn smirk. Whats with the smirk? Everyone's using it lately

" Liam wants to know what you think" Zayn answered I nod... Is that so... just like Harry..  awww.   I miss the curly headed boy but I'm sure he is alright there

"Cass? Earth to Cassidy?"

"uh... oh yeah... sure" I said with a smile


Atlas the boys are gone and I could sleep peacefully here inside my bedroom.

But before I closed my eyes my phone ring. Ugh seriously? i pick it up and saw a notification... Just a tweet from someone... I look at my profile and saw my profile pic.  Its a stolen shot of me eating marshmallow while on my laptop.

Cassidy Ray Smith

Yes I'm a Smith I'm just using Swift because of my mother...She and my father got divorce

@********* @cassy_ray You are my sister lol

What now? I'm an orphan? My parents died and I survived then someone adopted me? Wow... that only happens in books and movies then a guy will comfort you then walla! You will be a couple


@cassy_ray. Who am I ? -.-+

I twitted to no one after ,my twitter explode. The heck?! I forgot something....

I'm living with the 5 famous boys

Such a headache


Next Morning I did my daily routine..  Perrie came last night so Zayn is not here for sure cause their tour is not finished yet.

I slip and I know I would just laugh about it but something happened

"What the f*ck that st*pid  b*st*rd floor such a cr*ap! Good for nothing dump" Wow.... never thought I could say such thing early in the morning

Louis' POV

I walk to the kitchen while yawning... She's mad when she tweeted that last night..  I found it hilarious and of course tweeted her

@Louis_Tomlinson: @cassy_ray maybe you are my lost puppy love

Thinking about it still makes me smile and she also replied to my tweet that night

@cassy_ray: @Louis_Tomlinson No no no... you are definitely wrong there... I'm your lost kitty xD Meow!

A grin escaped from my lips this time. I know I'm really into her.

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