Chapter 43- Party? I Guess

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Chapter 43- Party? I guess

Note: This chapter has the presence of alcohol so if you don't feel comfortable about it you could skip this one. Thanks

Cassidy's POV

I open my eyes scanning the place. I'm at the tent with Louis I could remember.

I slept while sitting, nicely done Cassidy. I look at my right and saw Louis sound asleep. Tss. Sleepyhead I thought to myself while shaking my head.

Louis' POV

I woke up and immediately had the glimpse of Cassidy. I smile to myself o don't even know what I'm smiling about but I did. This girl she sleep sitting while I'm here laying occupying the whole space getting all comfy. What kind of a man am I?

I quickly sat up an let her lay down making sure she is comfortable. I stare at her for abit she's quite familiar to me that I don't know if I seen her before or some old friend or classmate in the past few days. I shrug it off and just adore her perfectly sculptured face. When her captivating eyes flutter open. I smile at her

"L-louis" She said sitting up and I just smile and respond with a

"Take a rest love"

"Noooo I had enough of sleeping" She whined and before I know it I was laughing and she was pouting.

"Why you laughing?" She pouted that made me laugh harder. I just shook my head.

Our little laugh fest were cut when Dani checked if Cassidy is awake cause they are going to prepare our dinner so we exited the small tent. I stretch for awhile .

I look at the falls and saw Zayn at the side while the others just play around the water. I walk over to him and sat beside him.

"Oh Lou" He greeted with a smile

"Hi Zayn"

Cassidy's POV

"So what happened?" Dani asked wiggling her eyebrows while mine furrowed

"What are you talking about?" I questioned back while continuing grilling. She just chuckled in response. What's with everyone chuckling and laughing this days

"You know... You. Him.Tent" She giggled and my eyes widen. What the heck?! Of course nothing happened

"Nothing happened silly" I replied popping some marshmallow to my mouth. Yum! "How about you and Liam? I supposed full of make out session" I teased and she nod blushing while looking at her boyfriend.

"Yiiiieee" I cooeed and she just shush me and we both release a cackle.


After awhile we finished preparing for our supper and I walk to the boys just to call them

"Nialler!!! Food!" I yelled and he gave me a thumbs up and the three of them dash over to where Dani is.

"Where are Louis and Zayn?" I muttered over my breath haven't seen them both for awhile

I walk and walking searching for the two boys. They are giving me a hard time might I add. I look back and saw I've gotten so far. A sign of frustration releases from my mouth. When I'm about to go back I heard two voices. My face lighten up and walk towards to them

"Zayn Louis Ive been-" I was cutted

"Yeah she's crazy"

My my I know what am I doing but I'm getting curios for who is that girl I scooted closer so I would here them visibly.

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