Chapter 7- Moving in

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Chapter 7- Moving in

Cassidy's POV

I already arrive at our house and the boys are goofing off at our living room. I first need to ring my mother knowing she could overreact sometimes.

"Alright! Remember... don't touch anything so you won't destroy anything  understand?!" I instructed like they are some like kindergarten pupils.

"understand!" They said in unison

"yes ma'am!" Louis yelled with a salute. I just rolled my eyes and walk to the kitchen. i start to call her


oh! yes darling?

I have something to tell you..

well if its living with the biggest boy band it's fine... the good Simon Cowell informed me

oh! thank goodness

Well I want you to promise me something

Yeah? what is it

Don't get in a relationship with one of them... or three... or four... or all of them..


just saying ...don't get into boys until I came back

sure... yeah.   bye!

bye! love you

-End call-

Whoah! Mom talk.... she's really insane..  no offense.. I really love my mom but sometimes she's creepy. I then go back to the living room to see all the boys sitting the way I left them but the room isn't. I sighed.

" Here.." I place three plates full of cookies at the coffee table and some tea, milk, juice, water and soda. "just choose" and I go upstairs to pack.

I started to pack.....

after hours... I look outside and its already dark then Harry came.

"why are you here?" I asked while raising my eyebrow he just chuckled

"Someone's bitter.." then he look around "You're just staying with us in two months... you didn't need to put your room there, you'll go back" he laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"ha. ha. very funny" I said sarcastically and he smile in amusement. This curly boy is interesting... ugh! what are you thinking? Your mother will kill you!

" Hey!!! What am I missing?!" Louis burst out from the door in. Being loud he is. I really wonder how his neighbors can get through it. he then look at me then Harry.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows "We are not doing anything" I said bluntly. he shrugs then grins.

"That's all your taking?" He asked looking around my room.

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