Chapter 29- Laundry? part 2

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Chapter 29- Laundry? part 2

Louis' POV

I took another slice of pizza. I remember what happen before all of this things happened. I'm mentally laughing because of it.

"Niall and Cassidy? Doing the laundry?"

" Spare Niall's life buddy" Zayn said chuckling "He doesn't know that your in love with Cassidy"

"Are you saying I'm jealous?"

"Absolutely!" Liam exclaimed and they both laugh.

"Not funny guyz" but sooner or later I join they're slumber.

I'm really a twat for thinking such a thing. Maybe I'm just afraid that one of my best mate falls to the love of my life that I've hurt in the past. I'm really stupid. I know why she's familiar....  Cassidy Ray Swift... I'm really sorry.

"Hey! The game is over we need to clean up " Cassidy stand up I'm also standing up when the lads run to the door. Cassidy knock the door hard.

"Open up! Guyz! Cmon this is not funny!" She look at me "What are you smiling about? Its not funny!"She said then and we both remember things.... the kiss Then knock again at the door. I swear she could break it if she want to then my phone buzzed

I'm so sorry Lou if you felt that way I don't want to get in your lovestory thingy. Sorry again I don't know. So heres my apology gift for you. Enjoy! ;)

P.S. Get her man! ;p


I chuckle in response. Maybe the other two told him about it. Jeez..

No problem Ni and I'm sure gonna get that blonde chick ;)


"Grrr...  I give up! Its like we will both clean up this huge mess!" Cassidy sighed frustrated. "But don't they dare go near me or I'll chop them to pieces and teach them whose the boss here" She exclaimed laughing venomously which I found quite amusing.

"Love if you chop them... They would be dead and it means you killed them and Simon would know then you get arrested and then go to prison" I state and she nod examining my little speech

"Ya you got a point its not worth the risk" She said and I chuckle "Oh well! I'll just make them buy me marshmallows! " She exclaimed while standing up. Her childish acts is now showing.

"Fair enough"

" Shall we start?" She asked and I nod also standing up.


We are finished hanging up the clothes all we need to do is clean the mess we made. The whole place is actually flooded I might say. I chuckle a bit as Cassidy groan.

"Maybe you should take a break yeah?" I insist and she shrug continue mopping the floor. I frown and walk to her snatching the mop.

"Louis what t-" Her breathe hitched when she slip and naturally I pull her closer to me and sat her down. "L-louis? Thanks" she whispered shakily . I just smile. The kiss... our kiss flash again to my mind but I shrug it off because at the back of my mind I know its just spur of the moment

"Stay here and rest love I can handle this" I winked. She bit her bottom lip. I like it when she does that.

"B-but Louis" She argue but I shush her placing my pointer finger to her. soft pinkish lips.

"Let's say your the princess and I'm your soldier and soldiers don't let a lovely princess do jobs like this" I said then kiss her forehead "So just sit back, relax, stay beautiful, watch and fell inlove to me" I said winking and stand up she nodded and when everything sink in to her...

"Hey! What's with the falling inlove to you?! Supposedly a princess shouldn't fall to a soldier" She stated with a smile. I chuckled while laughing

"But they did" I argued smirking and she raised an eyebrow then shot me water with a Nerf gun. "Unfair! How did you get a gun?! Princesses should have teacups" She just laugh the laugh that I would die just to hear.

"Not that kind dear" After her statement the splashing stopped and I smirk. "Oh cmon" She muttered. We got contact and we both know what's going to happen.

She run and I run after her like both kids just messing around.

"You can't c-"

"What's that love?" I questioned while tightening my grip on her waist

"Psshh... Nothing" And simply rolled her eyes. I lean closer and so does she.

"What the heck had happened?!" Liam screeched and our attention shot to the door. Zayn is shrugging with amusement and Niall is just smirking.

"We mess things up more?"


And its done kiddoz... Hope ya like it cause I'm typing it in my break time. I'm resting and realized I need to type for you mallows.

Do you want a sequel? Comment pls.

Thanks for the almost 1K readers








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