Chapter 62- Fight For You

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Dedicated to JadeUK thanks for supporting this story. Lucky to have a reader like you ;*

Chapter 62- Fight For You

Cassidy's POV

"Who is this?" He asked with a yawn. I shook my head as if he could see me. He just answered the call without looking at the caller ID


"Cassidy?" He repeated

"mmm yeah" I replied not sure of what to answer. I shouldn't have called. After a second of silence he laugh. Oh how I miss that but the thing here is... is he making fun of me?

"Stop the prank Harry. Cassidy would never call me. Let alone this time of th-"

"Its me idiot" I spoke sternly that made him stop.

"C-cass. Its really you?"

"How many times do I need to tell you that?"

"Err... Sorry. What about your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" I questioned. Ugh. If your not my boyfriend then I don't have any.

"The blonde guy when I almost run over to you" He mumbled. So he is the guy in the car.

"Wait. Roberto?" I asked myself and about to burst laughing but its not the time for this. Everything is still a mess

"I guess" I could imagine him right now scratching the back of his neck.

"He is gay Louis" I responded and a sigh was given to life in the other end.

"That was a relief" He is talking like nothing happened between us. Am I really a prideful person that I couldn't just go on with my life?

"So I had watched your latest interview and... about the bar."

"Yeah?" I could hear a hint of hope in his voice or maybe its my imagination and its actually mine. Hear goes nothing. If I want a bright future with him I should do this right. I'm ready to start again I hope he could forgive me.

"I-im sorry" My voice cracked and on a split second started crying. Why isn't he responding? Jeez I'm messing it up. "I, I'm an idi-idiot" I added

"Love are you crying?Please don't cry bhabe. I'm sorry too. Its not your fault... just don't blame yourself"

" you shouldn't" I replied. Okay I'm messing it up big time. My emotions are taking the best of me.

"But I love you and I know you still do too so I won't give up." I sniffed and took in a deep breath.

"Meet me tomorrow morning uhh..." Okay now what?

"7 is fine"

"Okay at the park. bye"

"Night bhabe stop crying now"

How can you still be good to me?

"I-I love you" I whispered and was shock when I comprehend what I said so I ended the call immediately.

First step and I accomplished it. Thank the Lord for enlightenment. I'm getting back my lost pieces. I realized I couldn't really live without him and that revenge is just my excuse. Then my feelings about Harry... another excuse because I dont want to admit that I still love Louis. I'm such a failure but I would correct all my past mistakes.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I hope everything goes back the way it is and just live happily ever after like fairytales suggest

Louis' POV

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