Chapter 58- A Twist On A Twist

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Chapter 58 A Twist On A Twist

Louis' POV

When its all going so well it came back crashing down. I have proved that thrice. And that's really a shame.

Let me tell you why...

|•|••|•| Flashback |•|••|•|

Hours, days, weeks have passed and I'm trying so hard to prove myself just for her and if I think Im a better person I would go to here doorstep and knock on that wooden door to apologized for everything again then from there I hope it would go upward.

And I've realized this is it. The day I would do everything so she would take me back. I know there would be a chance that she would reject me but this time I won't let her go without a fight. Maybe 2 weeks,2 days 6 hours 24 minutes and 50 seconds is enough for her to have her space. I just hope so.

I was so excited yet nervous cause I could see her again and maybe have another chance with her for a lifetime or another rejection. We all still hope its the first one.

"Goodluck mate"

"Get her this time"

I gave them a meaningful smile and drove away. I am happily humming one of our songs when I almost run out on a lady wearing pencil skirt a blouse , sweater, boots and a black beanie that is utterly familiar.

I would go to her to ask if she's okay but I realized its her. My Cassidy.  I compose myself first before opening my car's door but I was interfered when I saw a guy walking over to her.

"I'm sorry! I'm really really sorry!" He yelled to me giving me a thumbs up while laughing along with Cass. It can't be. Good thing my windows are tinted or else.

I nod opening my window a little and yelled a 'Be careful next time' ofcoure in a disguise voice. Speeding away

Who is he?

Does she finally move on?

Am I that late?

Questions rush over to me as I drive to the nearest bar I know

|•|••|•| End of Flashback |•|••|•|

Now you know why I end up here in the counter drinking alone demanding something from the bartender.

The actual f*ck all I do is to prove myself to a girl I would never have again. Jeez. I laugh at myself for being an idiot. I should have known. Of course many guys are already on their knees begging for her to be theirs same for me.  why can't I just go on with my life? Oh its because I'm still pathetically in love with my now ex-girlfriend, that is now my ex-girlfriend because of some stupid decision I made in the past that I always ask why didn't someone punch me in the face that time. If Ive just told her we could have figured something out. Lifffeeee sometimes sucks big time.

I'm not yet drunk but this bartender is really annoying so I decided to move out just to ease up driving slowly while drinking I never noticed I still have the glass shot.

Is this really my fate? It should be the happiest day of my life but I guess it doesn't work like that here on Earth.

I pass by a mall. Tsk Where she first recognize me and actually know me. I shake my head at the memory. Then an idea hit me. Why don't I go to some places where we have memories. I know its suicidal or something but I don't really give a fuck about it.

So that's what I did...

I drove to my house just looking at the roof where we stargazed together taking that picture and giving her that necklace.

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