Chapter 61- Interview

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Chapter 61- Interview

Cassidy's POV

"No I-" Then he left. He must have thought I would be rejecting him but the truth is....

No I should be the one saying sorry and making it up to you

A sigh escaped my lips. I did wear the dress for some reasons. Roberto just drag me here and leave me just like that. Jeez...

Maybe I should just go home.


I didn't drink that much just three shots. Guess I'm still not used to drinking. I need an ice cream like the old days.

And I did fetch a tub of ice cream and plop to the couch turning on the television.

I pop a scoop of ice cream into my mouth while switching the channel.

I saw Louis and I could've just jump at him and cry on his shoulders then say sorry. Ugh whatever. I really wanted to cry but the thing is I can't.produce anymore tears. Is that even possible? Let's just say my eyes are too tired to cry.

My thoughts stop when a channel is about an interview about the 5 guys I badly want to see.

"So is there someone else you would miss so muchnow that your break is finally over? Louis? Do you want to say something?" The interviewer asked and the four other guys exchange glances.

The camera zooming to Louis' face and my guilt increases for I could obviously see how wreck he is. If my pride isn't here I have knock to their door at night just to talk to him

"Y-yes I do- we all do" Louis spoke after the long silence and stand up.

"And who might it be?"

Louis didn't answer the question but stand up facing the crowd, the world and started to sing with his angelic voice.

You just know
Sometimes. you feel it in your bones
Though weve heard that hearts can still be wrong
Some things telling me that you're the one

My eyes shot open. A song from The Vamps. The crowd is going wild as the tune of the song was given to life. I put down my tub of ice cream and watch intently.

I just know
Even if I had a heart of stone
You could make it bleed on your own
You could break it but I hope you won't

I'd burn it down I'd light it up
For you I'd risk it all

My eyes welled up. The guy I continue to put in pain. I'm such a horrible person.

The other boys stand up and sing the chorus.

I'd rather crash I'd rather crawl
Than never have your love at all
With only bricks to break my fall
For you I'd risk it all

He is deadly serious afterall. He would rather die while trying. I sigh as my body trembled. I did all of this shiz

Stand your ground
Win or lose I gotta see this out
Go a head I'll let you watch me drown
It takes more than this to keep me down

'•"Cassidy let's try again please" He pleaded. "If you couldn't really stand being with me then I'll let you go. just... let me do this right" '•

You are a complete idiot Louis for wasting your time on a girl like me.

How could I sleep now and move on already when you are showing how much you love me to the world... to me.

The song ended and..

"Cass I wouldn't give up on you. I would always love you!" Louis stated proudly on his mic.

"Wow! Louis is such a sweetheart isn't he?" The interviewer commented as One Direction sit down back to their places. "Is she the girl whose with you all along?" Chorus of yeah and yes was given to life

"Now I wanna know more about her. Right?" The interviewer asked the audience which replied by screams indicating they agree.

I turn off the television and think of things to take my mind off reality.

Its my fault I should be the one who should make things right, not him. Err that idiot.

I stand up and pick up my phone then dial the so known number I always call from the past years. It is now or never.

"Hello?" A raspy voice answered from the other line.Maybe he is already sleeping. Jeez. Somehow I found his voice appealing.

"Hey Lou"


Okay two chapters in a row. I hope its enough to make it up to you guys.

Sorry for being redundant btw.

I'll work on that. Kay thanks for reading even if its going nonsense.


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