Chapter 64- Surrender Please

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Chapter 64- Surrender Please

Louis' POV

I don't know anymore! It is already dark. Midnight to be exact. And the boys keep throwing me texts and even calling my phone. They must have known Cassidy pretty well that even if we would get along today we would go back to our flat.

I'm worried, frustarted, not to mention hungry, cold and all of those stuffs! I finally answer my smartphone.

"Shut up Harry! Leave me alone!" and ended the call. Its better this way. I need to be alone.

10 minutes have passed again and all I could see are the insects flying around a lamp post. I wish she just forgot this meet up.

Why am I feeling such a heavy emotion?


That's it. I hope she's fine and not in such trouble. I shrug and frown as I look up to the sky. I don't know anymore. All I could think about is Cassidy that I'm starting to lose myself. But I would gladly do so if its for the sake of her.

My thoughts were cut off to the sound of yelling. A curly boy came rushing to me. When Harry reached me his eyes widen.

"What the heck happened to you Louis?!" He half asked-half yelled.

"Waiting for Cassidy" I muttered and his eyes got wide even more if that's even possible.

"Seriously?! And there we thought you are already having fun." He said disbelief. He rummage to his pocket. "I'm calling Liam" He said already dialing when I snatched his phone.


"Don't? Don't you know what she's doing to you? Its unhealthy Lou! I get it... She's hurt... but this? And you let her get away with it? Louis you are hopeless"

"Hopelessly in love with her" I replied that's why I got a glare from Haz while dialing Liam I guess.

"Hello. Liam.Yes. No. Wait what?!" I flinch when Harry screamed to his phone while looking at me.

"How am i suppossed to break this to the guy? ugh. This better be true" Then he ended the call, like I care.


"yea? If you would try to tell me that i stupid so be it." I utter
but he just shrug.

"No. I would just... ermm... Cassidy wouldnt come even if youd wait a hundred years" My ears rimg when i heard her name. i look at Harry he looks so worried.

"What do you mean?"


"Spill the beans Harry. Im getting worried"

"Cassandra kidnapped Cassidy"

"What the fuck?" I replied "I swear if you're just pulling a stunt-" I was cut off

"Damn Lou. Its true"

Damn it Emily. What do you want now?


Short chapter but oooh yea!

hehez... sorry sorry. I'm just too sleepy

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