Chapter 17- Jealousy

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Cassidy's POV

As I'm stirring the curry... I'm still thinking about my stupidity... How could you fall in love with a guy you just met?! Like seriously... its dumb... maybe its a sign I just need to stop and do what I need to do..

"but... I really like him..." I mumble tears spilling down my cheek


I'm sorry Im not looking at the way

No... I'm not looking at the way either...

The first time we met... My coffee soaked my t shirt... He is in a crazy disguise... like what the f?! I don't know... he would be my ideal guy...

Hey.. what you thinking? wait... are you crying?

What the heck?! don't you know how to knock?

The day he comforted me when my past is haunting me... I can't believe I opened up to him

have you ever fall in love?

huh? why did you asked?


is it because of theessage your girlfriend texted you?

uhm... actually we are not a thing but...


I like her

w-whats her name?

Kylie Olivia Williams

When I heard those words... I want to die in a hole or hid from the world forever... I'm so naive to think that he'll like me back.Its over.... Why can't I just have a happy ending for once... Why am I so stupid?

My thoughts where cutted when someone grab my leg I jump and give a mortifying scream. the curry almost fell then I saw Louis Tomlinson... laughing

"Seriously Louis? This is the second time?" I wiggled my eyebrow and put my hands on my hips. Anger is clearly heard in my voice

"You should have seen your face!" Louis laughed holding his sides. I roll my eyes and turn back to my curry... way to ruin my dramatic moment

"Are you done? You could go now" I said venom dripping in my voice then hr stopped.

"I'm sorry Cass... I didn't mean to... I just thou---"

"You just thought that it is funny? Louis our lunch almost had gone to waste also my time and effort?!" I yelled turning around to see the blue eyed boy

"I'm sorry Cassidy" He said pouting.

"You should be" I replied and I might be going crazy but I suddenly crept out a grin.

"Well... is that a good sign?" He guess and I turn around turning the stove. I don't know why I crept a smile but one thing is for sure... I should stop the drama and start the vengeance

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